Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Hope This Doesn't Mean The End of Car Chases on TV

I love watching live car chases on the news. The fun part about them is that you never know how they are going to end. The bad part about them is you never know how they're going to end:

You have to be really careful with something like this, must run it on e a delay. If something goes bad you need to be able to cut away before the audience sees a perp blow his head off.

For the record the guy who killed himself was Jodon Romero. He stole a car at gunpoint, shot at the cops, then led them on a hourlong police chase.

1 comment:

  1. Damino3:17 PM

    Yikes is right. It makes for riveting live tv, but it's risky.

    In law school I remember watching an hour long car chase in rural N.C., where a domestic abuser was holding his wife/girlfriend hostage and was shooting at cops. They set a trap on the highway to deflate his tires, but tragically right after that happened, the a-hole shot and killed her before taking his own life. I was really rooting for her to make it out alive and it was sad and shocking.
