Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The "Boy" is Back

I am at once delighted and apprehensive about the news I heard today, confirmation of a rumor that surfaced a while back.
Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel have officially signed on to play Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence-Matthews in a Disney Channel pilot.
The show would be called "Girl Meets World" and it would be from the point of view of their daughter, 13-year-old Riley.

Note: Cory and Topanga graduated high school in 1998. Meaning they were born in 1980. They would be 33 in 2013. That means they would have had a baby when they were 20, which seems kind of young.

There's no word on whether Mr. Feeny will still be teaching at John Adams High School when young Riley enrolls.

Or if Uncle Eric and best friend Shawn will be involved.

All we know is that Billy, Jleary and I have very high hopes for this series. But I'm a little nervous that this show will be written for 13-year-old girls. And considering I couldn't relate to 13-year-old girls, when I was a 13-year-old boy, not sure the show will appeal to me now.

But either way, I will be watching.

1 comment:

  1. jleary9:46 AM

    You know I'll be watching as well. They did get engaged right after HS graduation and lived together in college, so 20 for a kid seems about right
