Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Most Obvious Hanukkah Present Ever

Two very obvious things happened on Hanukah:
1) I got a Robert Griffin III jersey
2) RG3 got hurt the next day

I can't say this enough times, and I probably mention every week in my brief rant about the Redskins, I love RGIII. He is a great player, and a great role model for my children.
Over the summer, Chase had to create an alphabet book using a picture of an item or two starting with each letter. Normally, Q is difficult one, but not for us. We printed a picture of RGIII from the internet and said "that's our quarterback."
With his superior play, his leadership, his grace, his smile and his panache this is a player Chase and Julian will grow up watching and loving.
And by the time RGIII retires (hopefully after 15 years with the Redskins), they may fit into this jersey.


  1. jleary3:53 PM

    Congrats on the playoffs. Good luck. I think they get past Seattle, but don't think the beat SF or Atlanta. Still I'm sure you would have signed up for 2nd round before the season started.

  2. Reissberg11:11 AM

    Poor RGIII. You just mushed him or the Redskins, and now he will probably have a career ending injury or get traded away.
