Monday, February 18, 2013

Another Creep From Our Past

Noted Staten Island orthopedist Dr Mark Sherman is in some hot water over a picture he texted to a a female patient.
According to the Daily News he sent a picture of his dick to Wanda Arena, a bikini contest competitor and 9/11 widow.

Arena says the phone calls and texts went on for several years before Dr. Sherman stepped up his game with the dicpic.

There's a second woman also accusing Dr. Sherman of being a perv. When she told him her arm hurt when she pulled her pants down, he said that would interfere with her sex life.

It's all pretty unremarkable to me, Dr. Sherman is divorced, he can do what he likes. But it's just another example of the deviants and lowlives we encountered during our youth.

Story suggested by Nails


  1. Damino10:04 AM

    Dr. Sherman treated my brother numerous times after Kev was involved in a fatal car accident in 2001 (2 others died in the crash; thankfully Kev survived).

    My family thought he did an excellent job and definitely didn't do anything perverted.

    But this was a very shocking story nonetheless, and with multiple women making such accusations, my thought is that where there is smoke there's usually fire.

  2. Reissberg9:15 AM

    I have a long history w/ Dr. Sherman. He fixed my dad's leg after he ruptured his achilles and got a staph infection they thought might prevent him from walking again.
    He coached me in JCC basketball.
    And he treated me for numerous minor injuries.

  3. master bates6:01 PM

    i think we finally found the perv link. Something with coaching JCC basketball on staten island

    I myself was examined by Sherman after my car accident and fortunately there were no cell phones in 1991 so hence no pictures of his scholng were sent to me.
