Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mrs. Poop's Evening Workout

Mrs. Poop normally works out in the mornings so that I have to take care of the little monsters and get them off to school. But on Monday night she is going to be at the gym in the evening.

The sign says a reality show is being shot at the gym, Retro Fitness, and if you want to work out during that time you have to sign a release. She is convinced it's Undercover Boss because Retro Fitness is a big chain and the show's usual gimmick is to tell the employees they're filming a competition show and the winner will be awarded a franchise.
I think the most likely thing is some small production company is shooting some dumb reality show it hopes will get picked up. But it could also be something like Real Housewives of NJ or Snooki and JWowww where they just need a 15-second gym scene.
Not sure what to think, but I hope whatever it is, they feature the gym's baby-sitting service because that's where Chase and Julian will be while Mrs. Poop mugs for the cameras.


  1. You may be right, about Undercover Boss. I was at Retro Fitness in Wilmington DE on the 14th, and they had the same sign!

  2. I'm beginning to think it might be Undercover Boss. First, because they were doing this at another Retro Fitness location. Second, because the Fair Lawn location's Facebook page said "staring [sic]" front desk girl Jackie. Now that's the way the show normally works, they pair the boss with either a great or a horrible employee. Then the great employees share their sob story (dead parents, sick kids) and get thousands of dollars.
    But I just can't see how if that's the case, not one person went up to Jackie this week and said "this is definitely Undercover Boss." I would think they would need to be more secretive even at the expense of pissing of members.

  3. BTW, I need all your help in convincing Mrs. Poop to go to the gym Monday night. She normally goes in the morning when I'm home or in the afternoon after JuJu's nap. But the filming is being done later than that so she really needs to be coaxed/guilted into going to the gym at that time. If not for a workout (might be tough to find a treadmill) then at least to spy and uncover some information.

  4. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Same deal at North Arlington Retro today....tons of crew running around, mounting cameras, signing releases, etc.

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I am Jackie's mom!

  6. Hi Jackie's mom. Do you have anything to add to help us figure out this mystery?

    Mrs. Poop can't be sure if it is Undercover Boss. They did have someone working with Jackie, but it was a woman, not the CEO. Could be another executive.

    Jackie only showed this other person a few of her duties, and actually spent a lot of her time talking to the camera.

    But there was a well-dressed made up person who was there who Mrs. Poop thinks fit the bill of the host of the fake TV show.

    So we still don't have a definitive answer. Hopefully Jackie's mom will tell us what happened next.

  7. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The only reality was she was fired

  8. member and FRIEND of Jackie's8:00 AM

    I am Jackie's friend from the gym. I am shocked that this has happened to jackie. she was the BEST employee at Retro Fitness. She was always on time and always attentive to her members! She opened that gym every morning ON TIME. She always had a smile on her face and made every member feel welcomed. These producers of this FAKE reality show SET HER UP. They wanted to make her look bad and they wanted her to get fired for entertainment purposes. What if Retro Fitness was her only job?! What if she didn't have a career already set up??? This show would ruin her! You people would be stupid to believe any of these lies that you will see on this show. She was ACTING because that is what the producers wanted her to do! If you could all see how she really was on a regular day without cameras in her face, you would all know the REAL JACKIE!

  9. This is horrible, I can't believe this. They fired Jackie? I was looking forward to a local place being featured on a national show but from what you are saying, this doesn't seem like something to be proud of at all.
    Was it Undercover Boss? Is there any more information?

  10. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I am reviewing contract and have been asked to to interview...I may have too just to say it was a crock.

    Jackie's mom

  11. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Jackie was incredibly obnoxious, rude and aggressive. there was NO reason for her to be that way. She needs to find a job working far from other humans. What a thoroughly unlikeable young woman.

  12. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Perhaps Jackie will learn an important lesson. maybe she will learn that she needs to treat everyone, even people she feels are beneath her, because they may be the very people who can help her advance in life. The way she acts, she will go nowhere in life and will end up alone.

  13. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Jackie DESERVED to be fired. She has no business working around people. They're are CAMERAS ON YOU!! WHY THE EFF WOULD YOU ACT LIKE A TOTAL DOUCHE?! Maybe she will learn a lesson on what it feels like to be shit on. GOOD RIDDANCE!

  14. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Ya she was a total bitch on the show, and must have had some idea something was going on..... Espically since the were filming it!

  15. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I saw the show. Jackie was unreal! Basically...she hung herself....definetly needed to be fired!

  16. You know, I'm not sure if it is staged or not.

    Her Twitter feed is publicly available at

    She definitely has the same filthy mouth, is immature, etc. I mean, there's 8,000+ tweets from well before the show was taped for anyone to check out.

    The show was taped around mid March for a reference point. You can see she referred to the show taping as the show being "Turning Point" which is what someone on Undercover Boss's Facebook page who worked at ADT (who was not featured) also said they were told.

    She doesn't seem too disturbed about losing the job though, AND she's been promoting the show on Twitter, and I don't know why she'd want to promote humiliation on national TV....unless she thinks she can profit from the negative exposure.

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    And it gets even weirder!

    According to this article, she's the daughter of a NJ politician!

  18. Anonymous1:28 PM

    If Jackie was "acting" she needs to go on to Hollywood, because she's definitely a talented actress.

  19. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Jackie was great, shes real and there's nothing wrong with that. She was always ontime and always a pleasure to talk to. She was sandbagged by the show and the owner.

  20. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Jackie apparently deleted her LinkedIn profile where she was listed as working at senior center as of March. I'm wondering if the airing of that episode got her fired from that job too. if so, that's really unfortunate. Especially, if she really was the victim of 'bad editing'

  21. Anonymous2:55 PM

    AND, Jackie's been on TV before. Hmm.

  22. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Sorry to say, this was no act. I have known and interacted with this girl for years. What you saw is who she is.
    For those who would claim otherwise, claim that she was acting, who would willingly curse while crossing themselves just to appear on television?
    Hope this young lady gains some insight into maturity and grows up.

  23. Who in their right mind as a mid level manager mouths off to the CEO? And then when she has the chance to fall on her sword, she says that if she'd known it was the CEO, she 'wouldn't have said those things'. That's the telling statement about her lack of character.
    So is Jackie a product of negligent upbringing or is it a genetic defect?
    Jackie's Mom?

  24. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Free Cheeky!

  25. Anonymous9:37 PM


    if it walks like a fat, drunk duck. . . and it talks like a rude, low character duck. . .it's probably jackie.

  26. I am really worried that Jacqueline Colluci, who is quite obviously a sociopath suffering from a malignant narcissistic personality disorder, is now working in a home for the elderly, especially those who have problems with their memory recall. Isn't there an oversight committee who can make sure she is no where near people she can harm?

  27. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Cassandra, my father died in one of those kinds of homes a few months ago. He was neglected by all of the staff and if he didn't get to eat for the day, oh well, they didn't care. They just stand around laughing and looking for someone else who can "help." If he fell he would ring the call button over and over. They stuck a diaper on him and refused to help him to the restroom, knowing he has had hip fractures and was a fall risk. Eventually he just kept sleeping and never woke up. These places will hire anyone as long as they get training. It doesn't make them great staff. We tried to get him moved to another facility but he was too far gone and they wouldn't move him. And this place is still hounding my mother for his money. I am not surprised she got hired at a place like that. That is what they hire. It breaks my heart.

  28. Anonymous9:54 PM

    A someone married this thing
