Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Cardinals Win

In a tournament of wild upsets, the favorite takes it all. It's the second straight year the overall number one seed took it all. And the second time in 3 years that the Big East Tournament Champion continued its winning streak all the way to the national championship.

It wasn't easy for Louisville had to keep coming back from huge deficits, barely surviving against Wichita State and again against Michigan. What makes Louisville so good is their pressure. When they start playing defense and turning you over, their offense becomes better and all of they sudden they are scoring points in bunches, flying around the court and making opposing coaches call timeout.

The first half was an incredible shooting display by a couple of white guys, Spike Albrecht for Michigan which made these fans happy, and Louisville's Luke Hancock.

Albrecht didn't score in the second half, Hancock had 6 more points, including a dagger that gave Louisville a 10-point lead, and he was named MOP of the Final Four.

Here was the crucial play of the entire game. 5 minutes to go, Louisville up 3, Trey Burke gets a clean block on Peyton Siva and it's called a foul. A horrible call, and it gave Louisville 2 free points.

Bad calls happen. Michigan got some favorable ones against Syracuse, and this one, and maybe a couple others went against it in this game. It was a horrible call, but it probably didn't determine the game. Louisville was just a little better on this night and that's why they got their "One Shining Moment."

I've seen just about enough of Kevin Ware. Yes, I know the guy got hurt, in a very horrific way in a high profile game. But it's just a broken leg. Serious, but not deadly. The coverage and the t-shirts and the slogans makes it seem as if the poor kid is in a hospital bed fighting for his life. He's gonna be fine. Glad he seems to be recovering, now let's all relax.


  1. Damino6:09 PM

    Good writeup and congrats to Ton for winning the Poop pool. I almost had it with Michigan but the better team won.

  2. Yeah, I agree, congrats to me. So was it just me, or overall, was that one of the best damn basketball games anyone has seen in a looong time?

  3. Damino10:16 AM

    Absolutely. I'm a college basketball nut and that was a truly great championship game.

  4. Reissberg1:24 PM

    I would say that was the best played college game I have seen in years, maybe even since the early 90s, which was pretty much the golden age during our lifetime. Non-stop action, particularly in the first half.
