Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Plan is Working

The intelligent Mets fans who read this blog have been buying what I have been selling since 2009 as the team's only path to contention: get rid of veterans, stockpile a bunch of young talent, develop those players and then sign them to long-term deals.
It will be a long painful process but we are starting to see the plan bear fruit.
Matt Harvey is 4-0 with a 0.93 ERA and will hopefully become a top of the rotation starter for many years to come.

He may never be as good as Stephen Strasburg (whom I predict will be an all-time great) but I expect him to be good enough to battle with him for a long time. If this ever does become a rivalry, the first chapter was written Friday night when Harvey outdueled Strasburg and the Mets fans noticed:

"Harvey's Better! (clap -- clap -- clap clap clap) Harvey's Better! (clap -- clap -- clap clap clap)"
Doesn't this feel great Mets fans? To have one of our own young guys come up and take the league by storm like this. Wheeler is on the way, D'Arnaud is on the way. Harvey is here. There's hope Mets fans, and it sounds great.

1 comment:

  1. Damino12:33 PM

    I'm excited about the Mets' future for the first time since about 2008, and I seriously hope they follow through on this plan.

    As a side note I went to the Mets/Nats game on Saturday with Poop favorite Glenn R. and he was entirely well behaved. His last 3 games at Shea ended with him leaving the stadium "not of his own volition". But perhaps like the Mets, the GR of 2013 is quite different than the 2008 version.
