Tuesday, May 21, 2013

For All He's Done For Us

Robert Griffin III has done a lot of great work, at considerable personal harm, to restore the once great Redskins. To express gratitude for his efforts Redskins fans bought almost every single item (under $50) of his wedding registry at Bed Bath and Beyond.
RGIII even posted this picture of himself with all these boxes to thank the fans.

But now some people are criticizing him, saying he is rich and he shouldn't accept gifts from fans who earn so much less than him, he should donate them to charity.

First of all, as much as I admire RGIII and Rebecca Liddicoat, they're not William and Kate. There is nothing wrong with them setting up a registry for family and friends, and there's nothing wrong with fans sending them gifts. If I had thought about it before everything was bought, I might have sent something. Just to get a thank you card from the couple would have been nice.

My previous post about Rebecca Liddicoat may have been a little harsh. I said she wasn't pretty enough to be with a star quarterback the caliber of RGIII. But now I am reconsidering. I kind of like the fact that they were registered somewhere normal like Bed Bath & Beyond as opposed to some place ridiculous like Michael C Fina. It shows that they are good salt of the earth people, and that she isn't marrying him for his money, and he isn't marrying her just for her looks. So let's hope they have a long happy life together enjoying gravy from the gravy boats their fans bought.

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