Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Maybe They Should Have Spent a Little More Time Looking at His Face

Jimmy Fallon (underrated show by the way) thought it would be funny to send Mets pitcher Matt Harvey around the city to ask people questions about Matt Harvey.

I know for 100% certainty that I would be able to spot Matt Harvey on a street, even in a crowd. How these people, even the ones who saw the naked ESPN pictures, couldn't recognize him is beyond me. Maybe, like JLeary, they spent too much time look at other parts of the pictures, and not Harvey's face.


  1. Damino10:42 AM

    Hilarious bit and I agree that Jimmy Fallon's show is way underrated. I recognized Matt Harvey yesterday at the All Star Parade, mostly because he was riding in a Chevy with a big sign that said "Matt Harvey" on it.

  2. Heh heh, I love stuff like this. Agree on Fallon, dude is funny. I still regret not finding a reason to talk to him when we were at a bar together in Syracuse. nforexp

  3. TON, did you accidentally type the captcha in the comment field?

  4. Yes. Thought I just mistyped it, and that's why I had to do it a second time.

  5. Fallon was at a bar in Syracuse? If you had talked to him you would have been able to refer to him as your "friend" for the rest of your life.
