Thursday, September 19, 2013

Breaking Bad: "Ozymandias"

Once again Vince Gilligan and the Breaking Bad team got the characters out of a situation in a logical reasonable way. Almost, I do think it was a little implausible that Jesse could have been hiding under the car and they would not have noticed him. But the fact that they did choose to let him live in order to cook makes a little sense. Though $68-$69 million dollars, even split 10 ways or so, is a pretty good reason not to cook meth.

Seems a little greedy, which by the way was very funny about Uncle Jack stealing the money basically from Walt, and then calling the other guys greedy for not wanting to leave him a barrel. And then him telling Walt he needs to know that they are "square" or else he will kill him. I guess he believes there is honor among thieves. But it remains to be seen if Walt has just written off that much money.

Hank and Gomey had to die. Once they took us down that road, that was the only viable off-ramp. I don't understand why Walt begged so hard for Hank to live, yet he turned on Jesse so quickly, even twisting the dagger with that Jane comment.

I guess because Hank is family. And the whole show is about the lengths Walt will go to in order to protect his family.

I think this episode was when he finally realized that as a direct result of the actions he took to protect his family, he lost his family.

That's why his final desperate act as Walter White, was to kidnap Holly, dump her at a fire station and make the call to Skylar. He knew the cops would be listening and he wanted to make it seem that he acted alone, and Skylar had nothing to do with it.

Now we have two episodes to find out if Walt really goes to New Hampshire (the next episode is entitled "The Granite State") or if he was just given a New Hampshire ID. We will see if Jesse teaches Todd to cook, or if he blows him up or does some other Walter-esque scheme to get himself out of there. And we may finally learn who the ricin is for, and Jesse is looking like a much more likely target.

1 comment:

  1. Damino10:07 AM

    Very, very tough episode to watch, but extremely well done.

    I'm rooting for Jesse to figure out a way to survive his circumstances, and if he can blow up Todd and those greedy racists, even better.
