Thursday, September 05, 2013

Breaking Bad: "Rabid Dog"

Now we're starting to get down to brass tacks, but I still don't see Walt killing Jesse. With all the old yeller, and what's one more talk, and Jesse flipping to Hank, it's way too obvious for Walt to kill Jesse, and it probably would be quite unsatisfying since Jesse is such a beloved character.

I do think that Walt will try to kill Jesse (why else would he contact Todd and his uncle?) but I just don't think it's going to happen.

I saw something interesting on "Talking Bad" Skyler is wearing more light bland colors this year to show she is on the same team was Walt, who dresses that way. I can also presume that is why Hank is wearing purple.

It also said that Lydia would be in next week's episode, and I still can't figure how her and Todd are going to play into things.

And I don't know when the diner and the "52" bacon and the New Hampshire ID and the neighbor who drops the groceries are going to happen either.

And of course, how and on whom does Walt use the ricin he got from behind the outlet cover.

Everything in this episode centered around Walt and Jesse and the will he won't aspect of it. But I think the main thrust of this episode was to introduce other possible killers, Saul, Skyler, Marie, and maybe Jesse. Maybe that was the goal, to open up new possibilities to keep us guessing for four more episodes.

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