Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Kate Upton and Snoop Dogg Team Up and the Results are Sensational

"You Got What I Eat" - Snoop Dogg featuring Kate Upton

This new Hot Pockets commercial is probably the best commercial for anything ever. And it features a cameo from Lil Bow Weezy.


  1. jleary3:15 PM

    That was one of the weirdest things I have seen. Everything is so random

  2. Poop, we don't always agree, but in this case, i'm 100% with you. It's weird, and such a strange combination of things, but definitely candidate for 'best commercial for anything ever' in my book.

    Kind of cool that whoever is in charge of these things actually green-lit such a stoner vibed commercial.

    Btw, is it possible that Kate Upton is getting even hotter?!

  3. I normally don't like random things thrown in for random reason. I choose to call this eclectic, because it all makes sense.
    And of course Kate Upton is getting hotter, every single day!
