Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Song of the Week

"Applause" - Lady Gaga
I'm a little monster and I love it. I can't help it, I just think Lady Gaga is great.

What really clinched it for me was when she was taking questions from the crowd after one of the concerts on a morning show. She was asked what she would be doing were she not a famous singer.
She said "I would be a singer who wasn't famous. It would be a shame if I stopped doing what I love just because I couldn't make a lot of money doing it."

It is for that explanation, and the awesome songs she regularly churns out that I ignore her questionable fashion sense.

1 comment:

  1. Damino5:21 PM

    Fantastic choice. Great song and it taught me a new word - kunst which apparently means "art" in Dutch and German.
