Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Song of the Week

"Royals" - Lorde
This chick is 16 years old and apparently she saw a picture of someone on the Royals, signing baseballs, and decided to write this song, which she did in half an hour.
I love her process, and the end result is a pretty good repudiation of our money-obsessed celebrity culture.


  1. this video is as dumb as the song.

  2. jleary11:54 AM

    I don't get the video...but I do find the song to be very catchy. I kinda like it (AKA, I really like it)

  3. I agree with you about the video. They should have had people driving Maybachs, drinking Cristal and most importantly walking tigers on gold leashes. That is an awesome video concept.

    The song is great though. It's catchy, but it's also smart.

    Maybe Bill took it personally because it could be targeted directly at his favorite rapper, Jay-Z who lacks the depth to rap about anything other than how rich he is.
