Sunday, November 03, 2013

Happy Poop Day!

Eight years ago I launched this blog on November 3rd and I have kept it going for all these years and exactly 6400 posts (including this one).
At times it's been a chore but I've always had fun doing it and I appreciate all of you who have read and commented (especially commented) during those years.
And I plan to keep it going for 8 or 18 or 80 more.


  1. Damino1:55 PM

    Congrats Paul!

  2. The Poop never dies!

  3. That's a shitload of posts dude. Is there an age of consent for when our children are allowed to be introduced to The Poop?

  4. fat scat9:28 AM

    What' the most posts you've written in 1 year? least?

    Most in 1 day?

    which topic have you written most about?

  5. I think children should be sheltered until they are 16. That seems reasonable.

    The number of posts per year is visible on the side of the page. You will see a steady progression downwards from 1631 in 2006 to right little more than 300 the past few years.

    2013 might be the first year in the history of the Poop where the number of posts increased from the previous year. I think 300 - 400 is a good and reasonable goal where there is enough content, each post is important enough to merit a post and it doesn't completely ruin my life.

    There have been 367 Songs of the Week, 196 polls, 13 about TallSkott, 208 hot chicks, 281 Mets, 160 about Chase and only 30 about Julian.

  6. Sorry that I missed this post. I was busy at home, doing nothing and petting my cats (not a euphemism). Congratulations on 8 wonderful years of Poop. I appreciate the time and effort that you put into this blog - especially considering Poop family expansion plus hectic work schedule. I try to always comment on posts that are relevant to me (so like 12.7%). Please continue to Poop on us

  7. Oh, and clearly you love Chase more than you love Julian.
