Friday, November 01, 2013

Who Are These Guys

Player A: 73 1/3 inn 48 sv 0.61 ERA 1.34 FIP 603 ERA+ 8.96 K/9 0.49 BB/9 .213 BABIP 3.1 WAR
Player B: 70 2/3 inn 39 sv 1.40 ERA 2.03 FIP 316 ERA+ 9.81 K/9 0.76 BB/9 .218 BABIP 3.3 WAR
Player C: 74 1/2 inn 21 sv 1.09 ERA 1.61 FIP 376 ERA+ 12.23 K/9 1.09 BB/9 .188 BABIP 3.3 WAR

Notes: 1) Numbers are all jumbled, but its easier if you read it as columns, than straight across. 2) I use Fangraphs WAR, other calculations differ slightly. 3) These are from 3 different seasons.

1 comment:

  1. A) Dennis Eckersley (1990) B) Mariano Rivera (2008) C) Koji Uehara (2013)

    The point is, Koji's season was one of the best by a relief pitcher in 20 years, and we was harder to hit than either of those two greats in their primes.
