Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Threat to JLeary's Throne

Jleary is well known for being the undisputed undefeated king of movie lines. But in about 20 years, with continued study, hard work and perseverance this kid may be able to take Jleary down.


Ok, so it's cute, a 4-year-old memorizing every word to Jack Nicholson's famous speech in "A Few Good Men" and for added comic value he's reciting it while in the bath and playing with his ding-a-ling.
But obviously the kid didn't choose this movie, it's very questionably appropriate for a child that young so it makes me wonder how this came to be.
I just have to assume the parents had this idea for a youtube video and forced their son to learn it, withholding his cookies until he memorized the soliloquy.
That kind of ruins the cuteness of this for me.

1 comment:

  1. jleary3:22 PM

    I must admit that I have not watched very many movies over the last few years. My area of expertise goes from 80's movies til around 2000. after that my knowledge really suffers. With that said I will destroy this kid!!!
