Friday, May 16, 2014

Good Gracious Ass is Bodacious

Greg Hardy reportedly beat up his girlfriend Nicole Holder.
The couple has been dating on and off since the end of last year and even moved in with each other.
Until the other night when according to the police report "the victim stated she was lying in bed with the defendant and he just snapped. The victim advised the defendant physically threw her into the floor, and then tossed her into the tile bathtub. The victim stated the defendant then slammed her into a futon that had several guns and machine guns lying on it causing her to cut her arm on the end of one of guns."

Why was Hardy so mad?
Holder told the police that when her and Hardy broke up in March she had a "short lived relationship with the entertainer Nelly."
In layterms, she fucked Nelly, one time, maybe twice.

Now, that's certainly not an excuse to beat her ass but I can see how that would be an impediment to their reconciliation.

From this, the only picture of her online, she doesn't look that hot. I guess she just hangs out in the right places (she's supposedly a waitress at some nightclub) and makes herself available. And if the choice is between her and nothing, I guess I would take her.

Headline suggested by Michael.

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