Tuesday, September 09, 2014

A Little Guts Here!

Roger Goodell blew it. How did someone who was heretofore known as "The Law & Order Commissioner" completely botch his handling of the Ray Rice situation. Was he really so afraid of the union response that he felt he could only give Rice the agreement-mandated 2 games.
And how the hell could they have not seen this video before adjudicating the case?

A lot of people don't believe that the league never saw it, but if Goodell did, and then lied and said he hadn't then he's gone and the league takes a bigger image hit than this, Vick and concussions combined.

I really think Rice and his wife Janay met with Goodell, convinced him this had never happened before and never would again. She probably told him that she hit Rice first (partially true) and that he pushed her off him and she hit her head on the railing and that's how she got passed out.

Otherwise I can't understand what the fuck Goodell and the Ravens were thinking with giving only 2 games. If they had given 8, they probably could have avoided this, and they might not have had to take such drastic action after the video's release.

And what the fuck did they think the video was going to show? You saw a woman unconscious on the floor being dragged by her fiance, who seems indifferent to her plight, and he somewhat admitted that he had caused her injury, and it takes the video to prove to you that he knocked her out?

What a series of stupid and arrogant decisions by the league and its commissioner.

1 comment:

  1. Damino12:16 PM

    Totally agree. I'm glad that Ray Rice got cut and suspended indefinitely after the fact, but the NFL completely mishandled this situation.

    What makes me especially sad is that Ray Rice has a young daughter who is a little older than mine. I fear that he is abusive to her, and even if not, I can't imagine what he does to his wife behind camera-less closed doors at home. Either way it's terrible for that little girl.
