Monday, August 15, 2016

Quick Hits - Olympic Edition

Cutest Couple
Photogenic decathlete Ashton Eaton and his wife Brianne Theisen-Eaton (she won bronze in the heptathlon) star in a very funny commercial for Visa's Checkout.
You hang up, no you hang up.

You Don't Need to Be a Pixie to be America's Sweetheart
Sarah Robles won the bronze medal in the women's weightlifting 75kg+ weight class.
Robles actually tipped the scales at 143 kilos, about 310 pounds. She lifted 286kg straight up over her head in the two lifts combined.
The only thing detracting from this story is a failed drug test and 2-year ban. She claims she failed due to hormones she was taking to treat a medical condition.

A good teammate is always there to help.

Fun With Kids

I've been watching a lot of Olympics with the kids, and despite their iPads and youtube videos having killed their attention spans we are enjoying it. They're surprisingly into weightlifting and course Chase is following U.S. basketball closely.
But the best moment came when Chase kept referring to the race with the water jump as the "steeple." Evidently, when I gave him the name of it, he thought I said "steeple, Chase."

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