Thursday, December 15, 2005

My Dad is Gonna Love This

My dad hates loud music at sporting events. So this should be music to his ears. In an NBA commissioner David Stern said "most of our teams don't [hate the loud music] and think that the fans like the entertainment. We're trying to find a few games to experiment with for teams to give us a "silent night" so to speak."


  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    could not agree more with this. when you go to a basketball game, it's not even about basketball. it's about dance numbers, badly outdated rap songs, and commercially sponsored giveaways. apparently, at soccer games in europe, the only music comes from fans singing and chanting.

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I agree with harley 100%. The minute the ref blows the whistle for a time out the music starts, and its not exactly Guy Lombardo, hell, its not even the Beatles.

    It would be interesting to know what percentage of the people in the seats OWN any CDs like the ones we have to endure at an NBA game.
