Right now Elisha Cuthbert is trouncing LaLa 96 to 4. Justin would be proud.
Derek's girl Jennie Finch has a tough second round matchup looming against Giselle Bundchen, if Finch can sneak by Mehmet Okur's very sexy wife. Giselle is also getting all she can handle from the spunky Elisabeth Hasselbeck. I like the girl next door thing as much as anyone, but this one shouldn't even be close.
Veronica Vaughn got cheated cuz they used a horrible picture of her.

My picks:
Benitez over Graf
Klassen over Riley
Longoria over Beckham
Walcott over Peete
Mitts over Alt
Judd over Rickter
Nolin over Moynahan
Nordegren over May
Varekova over Drane
Benson over Guerrero
Sale over Brandy
Cuthbert over Vazquez
Hasselbeck over Bundchen
Finch over Caliskan
V. Vaughn over Kozar
DeCesare over Hamm
Second Round
Klassen over Benitez
Walcott over Longoria
Mitts over Judd
Nordegren over Nolin
Varekova over Benson
Cuthbert over Sale
Finch over Hasselbeck
DeCesare over V. Vaughn
Walcott over Klassen
Nordegren over Mitts
Cuthbert over Varekova
Finch over DeCesare
Walcott over Nordegren
Cuthbert over Finch
Elisa Cuthbert over Jennifer Walcott
a little home team bias, plummers girlfriend over the #1 seed in the second round?
selling out on Finch in the national semifinals?
walcott over longoria, you must be crazy
and over elin
but you came to a good conclusion
The concierge and I crafted this idea at least a decade ago whilst eating matzoh ball soup in a New Jersey diner.
Its a great idea, especially with just hot chicks. The problem is trying to figure out whos dating who at what time to see if there on this list.
Martina Hingis bangs a different hockey player each month, yet she's not on this list. Maybe she's in between hockey players. I heart Martina Hingis.
Pamela Anderson was rumored to be dating one of the Chargers, but I guess if she was they wouldn't even hold this contest as it just wouldn't be fair.
This isn't a new idea...there used to be a website called chicktourney.com, was for any famous hot chick pretty much. There was also an Excel sheet going around for a while with the same thing.
I'll have to study this a little more when I get home though. One thing I know for sure, is that Jennie Finch is a BEAST. If given the choice, I'd have sex with Paul instead of her, cuz i'd rather be gay than have flesh to flesh contact with an animal. She's like 6'9", 372 lbs. I think if Derek saw her sans-makup, he'd vomit. Its all about the natural beauty son...knowing how to throw a softball, and how to buy Sephora products does not make you hot.
I can't remember the specific post, but the Justin's homo tendencies are starting to appear too frequently. Couple that with his famous Foxwoods' "ass-rape" rant ... and all I can say is beware!!!
No matter how many "Sephora products" you put on Paul when you two are together. He is nowhere near as hot as Jennie Finch.
JusTON I appreciate your need to say things that are shocking to get a reaction. It explains why you are such good friends with Paul.
But I will not let you drag down the name of the hottest female athlete of all time in the name of blog comments!
To quote the only Democratic President I ever liked, David Palmer, "That is an obscene suggestion!".
I consider it an act of war!
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