Monday, January 16, 2006

Those Implants Pay for Themselves

Florida State slut Jenn Sterger is getting more media coverage.
We learned a few new things:
-When she gets on facebook she has "5,000 friend requests and 200 messages waiting, and it's like, 'Um, hi, I have three lectures today and two tests to study for. I don't have time to sit there and click away on Facebook.'"
-She will be in Maxim in March and Playboy in May
-She has two websites, and, which she hopes to launch by next month
-Her fame started when ABC announcer Brent Musberger noticed the girls in the stands during a crowd shot. He said "15,000 red-blooded young American men just signed up to go to Florida State next year."
-She says she was just "dressing cute at a football game." She says cute, I say slutty, toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.
-On Monday (1/9), Sterger was the fourth-ranked "mover" on Yahoo's Buzz Index, ahead of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon.
-Her father is cool with her appearing in Playboy. "If you don't feel like it's going to be a problem for you down the road, by all means, go for it," he said. "Pamela Anderson started by being pointed out in a crowd shot at a hockey game up in Canada, and look where she's at today. I don't want her marrying Tommy Lee, but I wouldn't mind her having an opportunity like Pamela had."
-She is single, she's gotten fan mail from athletes and been recognized in airports
-She's a Buccaneers fan
-Over winter break she went back to her job selling sunglasses
-She's studying criminology and psychology, she wants to take the LSAT and go to law school
-She has big boobies

The picture that started it all

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