Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Diesel's Archnemesis

This cat frequently hangs out in our driveway (where this picture was taken) and taunts Diesel about the fact that he can run free throughout the neighborhood, while Diesel is constantly restrained by a leash. One day Diesel is going to kill this cunt, I mean cat.


  1. We have a similar cat in our neighborhood, a fat bastard named Bear (he belongs to a neighbor). Sharman believes he forced himself on Lola the day she hid under our house and wouldn't come out for 7 hours. I know this sounds needlessly gory, but the whole story will be funny when I get the pictures back (need a digital camera).

  2. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Difference is I'm 20 times the size of this fucker. If only my mom would let me go after him, I could kick his little feline ass.

  3. Would Diesel use the jackknife to defeat the Cat?

  4. Brody used to have the same problem. My ex-neighbor let his cats roam around outside all the time, which attracted strays. They used to taunt the shit out of him. Every now and then I would just open the door and let him go, just to teach them a little lesson. The bastard neighbor moved out a couple of months ago though. New guy has cats too, but they just sit in the window.
