Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Girlz Iz Dumm

Last week at work I had to listen to two girls telling the most inane stories, typifying the type of crazy girl who can never forget things. Here's what happened:

Girl A was telling Girl B about her 10 year college reunion. It was very awkward for her because she used to be part of a big group of friends but since college she has only kept in touch with a few of them. The reason she stopped talking to the others? Right before graduation she was on her way to the library. She saw those friends and they threw her into the pond on campus. She was so upset, they ruined her brand new clothes. Also, she had to go home and change and she was so distraught that she couldn't go the library, and had to get an extension on her paper. This incident ruined her last few days of college and she will never forgive them for it. Just as I was ready to get up and strangle this girl for her pettiness, girl B spoke up.

In her past (8th grade), she shared a locker with three other girls. One day they left her a note saying they no longer want to share a locker with her. She still remembers the note verbatim ("you have no personality"). They were right, she doesn't. Then they went on to talk about how everyone has incidents in their past that scarred them for life.

I never did, until now.

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