Thursday, August 31, 2006

And the Verdict is In

Got great reactions to the Bachelor Party Preview, but since none of you chose to use the comments section I thought I would share your thoughts here:

Reissberg: "Funny stuff. I particularly enjoyed Sobel and Matt's weaknesses although I dispute that Dylan's belief that I am a self-hating Jew is a strength."

Jay Leary: "whats up--that was very good. i dont know if you knew--but may-may and i got engaged."

PudgyScat: "Dude, very good!!! I was laughing out loud alot. Awesome"

Dylan: "Dude, this is great. Nice work."

Jay Sobel: "you should have used this picture instead."

Juice: "Unreal dude...still laughing my arse off.....great work...VEGAS BAAAAAABY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Paul, This was great work but and even better idea! Next time you should take it to the next level a may up a set of trading cards.. See
