Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fighting With the Elderly

I followed up last week's fight with old people, with another brief set-to with an elderly person.
We went to Costco and the parking lot was a zoo. About five times Mrs. Poop pulled into an empty spot only to see it filled with about 15 shopping carts. So we finally chose one with only 3 carts and I got out to move them. As I was getting out of this car this old woman, who could clearly see what I was doing, dumped her cart into the spot I was about to clear.
Turns out, this old bag, left her bag in the cart. So I picked it up and said "you forgot your purse. Maybe if you weren't in such a hurry to dump your cart you would have remembered it. Next time bring your cart to the cart receptacle."

The Costco parking lot brings back great memories, because in late September-early October 2001 Mrs. Poop and I witnessed a great parking lot dispute at Costco on Staten Island.
A woman sent her daughter to stand in front of another car to prevent the other lady from taking the space. As she drove away that lady yelled out her window (in the shrillest Staten Island accent you can imagine) "what are you from Afghanistan?"

brings out the worst in people


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Staten Island is such a lovely place. I sure do miss it!

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Staten Island is such a lovely place. I sure do miss it!

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Perhaps she forgot the bag because she was an F'n idiot rather than being in a rush. Also, wouldn't taking the extra time to return her cart to the receptacle taken longer and put her in more of a rush. Therefore, she maybe thinking that you (paul) are the f'n idiot and/or complaining to Costco how the guy who goes around collecting the carts was rude to her. Some poor cart collecter could now be out of the job for mistreatment of customers.

  4. It was clear that she was in a rush to ditch her cart because she saw me coming to clear the space of carts.

  5. I went to Target and returned something. The lady at the counter probably deals with customers all day long that are rude and obnoxious and don't want to follow store policies on returns. I was not one of those customers and kept saying that was fine. I think she was confused because she just kept repeating the same thing over and over again.
