A former Rangers dancer/cheerleader (I didn't even know they had such a thing) is suing the team for sexual harassment. Now the team is firing back saying she was the problem.
Courtney Prince allegedly:
-referred to a mixed-race lineup of skaters as "my Oreo."
-accused of calling Asian-American skater Angela Chiang "my geisha."
-threatened one of the two African-American skaters, by saying, "I'll find another black girl to replace you."
-urged the women to wolf down diet pills and one of them got hooked.
-threatened skaters with firing if they did not lose weight
-ordered skaters to spend off-hours in tanning salons and to pad their bras
-using a crude word [I love playing guess the crude word] said the skaters' goal was to appear sexually attractive and available.
-constantly talked about her sex life, saying, for example, that she hated to come in early because she could have been [having sex]
-led at least one discussion about oral sex.
-talked about particular sex acts that she enjoyed ... which she said she did on occasion depending on the guy
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