Monday, January 15, 2007

Your Thoughts?

Anyone want to use the comments section to discuss the NFL championship games?

Chicago vs. New Orleans is a tossup unless the Bears defense regains their swagger.

And Colts - Patriots is a game for the ages. How do you pick this one? Think the Colts will finally break through?


  1. I guess it is only fitting that if Manning wants to go to the SuperBowl he needs to beat NE.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    As I've been telling my co-workers, this game had to happen, and if there is a G-d, it will end with Vinatieri kicking a last second FG to send the COLTS to the Super Bowl.

    I'm still pissed the Chargers choked that game away.

    I predict the Saints will win. Too many weapons and the Bears offense is brutal.

    Saints-Colts should be a great Super Bowl with some great stories to tell.

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I agree Vinatieri will be the difference, and that Peyton must beat NE to get there.

    Saints are on a magic carpet ride.

  4. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Bears (lack of D) lose, Colts (D playing well) win.

  5. Anonymous10:38 AM

    It sure looks like the Colts are on a mission the last few weeks, huh? But, as "The Voice of Reason" I am here bring you all back to earth. Come on people, Manning will again tapout to a superior Bill Belichick gameplan. And,Tom Brady will lead the game winning drive and all will rejoice in the greater Massachuestts area. This is the winning formula that's been proven again & again and it won't be altered this week either... Patriots 38, Colts 35

    As for the other game....Can the Saints handle the cold? I hope the weather conditions are similiar to the famous "Ice Bowl" so Reggie Bush's fibula cracks on the first cut he makes. Bears 31, Saints 17
