Friday, June 29, 2007

Habla Con Ellos

A little controversy brewing in the Mets clubhouse as Paul LoDuca is tired of being the team spokesman because so many of the Spanish speaking Mets never talk to the media.

"I'll do this [interview], but you need to start talking to other players," Lo Duca said. "It's the same three or four people every day. Nobody else wants to talk. Some of these guys have got to start talking. They speak English, believe me."

Prior to Lo Duca's comment, starting pitcher Orlando Hernandez declined to talk about moving his scheduled start from Thursday to today.
"I'm not talking," Hernandez said, before switching to Spanish. "No mas. Manana."

And later, slumping first baseman Carlos Delgado shut down his interview session once the group around his locker grew from one reporter to a handful. "I've got no comment," he said with a smile. "I'm going home."

Lo Duca just felt the need to vent. Just before lashing out at teammates, he admitted he'd been in a bad mood all day. Before the game, as the Mets were stuck with indoor batting practice because of the rain, he banned all questions about the two-game suspension he has under appeal.

"Don't ask me any more about when I'm dropping my suspension. When are you guys going to drop it?" he yelled. "I'm tired of talking about it. ... It's like the president got killed." On Wednesday, Lo Duca complained that his getting thrown out of a game was bigger news than the war in Iraq.

Ed Coleman said the main culprits of this are Beltran and Delgado. Both of them do some kind of workout after the game and are not usually available to the media right after the games, when the reporters need to write their stories. Seems like Delgado is the worst offender, probably because he's been hitting so badly. I'm curious to hear where Reyes stands in this. I'm sick of Delgado's poor hitting and his bad attitude. He's batting .220, playing like shit in the field, not hustling on the bases and not being man enough to talk to reporters about it. Fuck Delgado. They should ship his ass back to Florida because it's clear from his actions that he never wanted to be here in the first place.


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    : )

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    That is a stupid comment about Delgado. By seasons' end he will be hitting with .015 of his career average. Also, he was one of the only clutch hitters in last season's playoffs.

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Bro you are crazy........with the Delgado comment. COme on.

  4. I don't know what's wrong with you guys. You can't possibly dispute one single thing I said about Delgado.

    Was he batting .220 when I wrote this? Yes!

    Is he playing like shit in the field? Yes!

    Is he hustling around the bases? No.

    Is he talking to reporters after the game? Not according to LoDuca and Ed Coleman.

    Did he want to be here in the first place? No. Remember he had a chance to sign here and said he was insulted by Omar's use of his Hispanic heritage as a recruiting tool.

    The only thing that I said potentially controversial is that they should ship his ass back to Florida. While I wasn't advocating a trade, necessarily, there is not one full-time first baseman who is having a significantly worse year this season than Delgado.

    Face it. He sucks. Maybe he will turn it around, but I'm not hopeful.
