Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And They Didn't Even Have To Crawl to Freedom Through Five-Hundred Yards of Shit Smelling Foulness

The lesson taught to us by Andy DuFresne in "The Shawshank Redemption" is that "hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
To most of us in our everyday lives it could mean winning the lottery, or getting that book deal or banging a hot chick who is out of your league.
But for Otis Blunt and Jose Espinosa, they took the movie literally.
Blunt and Espinosa took a page out of Shawshank (it was a book first) and used that blueprint for a prison escape.
First they got some kind of tool (believed to be a thick metal wire) which they used to scrape away the mortar holding the cinder blocks in the wall between their adjacent cells and in the outside wall.
They removed the bricks and smashed them, and hid the pieces in a footlocker.
Then they covered the hole with pictures of hot chicks (sound familiar?).
They were able to wriggle through the two 18 inch wide holes and get outside, where they jumped from the 3rd story over the razor wire fence to freedom. They landed about 15 feet out and 30 feet down.
They also left behind a note to the guards, wishing them a happy holiday.
Espinosa recently pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter. Blunt was being held on weapon and robbery charges.
Union County Prosecutor Ted Romankow said "I think this is a very serious situation you saw. I really prefer not to compare with any movie, although I can understand why you might because it does look certainly very similar to some of them. Except in 'The Shawshank Redemption' they had a better poster on the wall."

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