Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lying Lunch Lady

Denise Martin earned herself $50,000 with the sob story she told during the Survivor reunion show.
Martin had been chided all season by fellow Survivors for her job as a lunch lady and her mullet haircut.

She got more sympathy when she got picked last in a challenge and cried because she'd been picked last her entire life.
And in her final desperate plea for votes Denise said that after Survivor she was going to go back to her life working as a lunch lady for $7 an hour.
During the finale Denise said that when she got back home she wasn't allowed to be a lunch lady anymore because her popularity was distracting kids. She was forced to work as a janitor cleaning toilets and working after hours which forced her to miss her daughter's field hockey games.
She also said that she keeps her mullet haircut because as a lunch lady she needs short hair in the front, but keeps it long in the back to stay a woman for her husband.
She cried when she asked the audience for help in finding a new lunch lady job.
Then she cried even more when the show and producer Mark Burnett gave her $50,000 on the spot to help solve her troubles.
Problem is, her story wasn't true.
After being bombarded with nasty letters the school superintendent in Douglas, Massachusetts outed Denise as a liar.
Turns out Denise had been promoted to janitor before she left for Survivor. And I say promoted because the new job paid $17 an hour, a 143% increase in salary.
When confronted with the facts Denise admitted her lie, but never said that she intends to give back the $50,000.

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