Monday, February 25, 2008

Staten Island Sharpshooter

Kyle McAlarney (3-time Advance All-star) buried Syracuse in Notre Dame's 94-87 win with his deadeye outside shooting.
He hit 9 of 11 shots (all 3 pointers) for 30 points.
His 9 3s were a school record, breaking the mark set by Colin Falls.
"I'm going to call Colin tonight and rub it in his face," McAlarney said. "When I'm shooting, my imagination just flows, and thinking about the game and how they were going to be in a zone, I was really feeling confident out there."
And speaking of the zone, Notre Dame torched it with no problems, even forcing Boeheim to briefly switch to man. But once their shooters got rolling there was no stopping them.

Back to McAlarney, he had a decent freshman year, then started his sophomore year pretty well but he got suspended after he got caught with marijuana. For some reason Notre Dame suspended him for the entire spring semester for this relatively minor infraction (I think there's more to it) but he is back this season and doing pretty well.

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