Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why Soaring Gas Prices Hurt Us All

An Arizona woman who bartered sex for gas money ended up stabbing her victim and partially severing her finger.
With gas prices soaring, Kelli Still bartered oral sex for gas money with a male acquaintance over the weekend.
The encounter did not result in a contractual sex act but an aggravated assault when the woman pulled out a pair of scissors and began attacking the man.
Still also suffered wounds from the scissor attack, deputies said.
When authorities arrived at the house in Mesa, both people were covered in blood.
Still told deputies the fight was a result of a sex-for-gas contract gone bad.

Ladies and gentlemen...This is Kelli Still:

I'll suck yo dick

I haven't been this scared since I saw Denny Neagle's hooker.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I would like you to do a "What will you give me for" post comparing this Kelli Still to James Brown's mugshot photo. BAAH!!!

  2. Anonymous11:08 PM

    agreed..I'd go 9.5 on that.
