Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mrs. Poop's Opus

It was this day 52 weeks ago, the third Tuesday in August, the second day of my week off, that we went for a routine ultrasound. Then the doctor said "today is baby day" (words that still cause me to lose control of my bowels), and we were off to the hospital. At 4:07 pm the best 52 weeks of my life began.
In order to document this momentus time we decided to take a picture of Chase every Tuesday to document his growth.
Sounds simple right? But it became anything but. At first it was easy, then it became harder to remember to do it every Tuesday, then at about week 30 Chase started grabbing the cards. Then he started sitting up. Eventually we had to fill his hands with props and dance around the room to get him to look at us and smile instead of standing up in the crib or attacking the stuffed dog.
But 52 great pictures later, Mrs. Poop is very pround that she was able to finish what she started and I urge you to check out her work.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    very cool. looking foward to the little man's birthday bash.
