Friday, June 05, 2009

Product Review: DVR Expander

After years of battling DVR-mageddon I invested in a DVR expander. It's basically a hard drive that connects to your cable box and basically doubles the storage space available. Now we record everything we want (and will never have time to watch) and never have to worry about filling up our DVR and running out of space.

The expander gives you 300 extra hours of standard-def or 60 hours of hi-def programming.

This is the one we got compatible with Scientific-Atlanta boxes (most likely what you have if you have a cable DVR).

I strongly recommend this product but urge you to read the instructions before connecting it -- and follow the steps in the correct order to make it work properly.


  1. Damn, this is pretty cool. I just looked into it, and there doesn't seem to be an available option for my FiOS dvr...grrr

  2. Juice3:12 PM

    Just ordered it...BOOYAH!

    Thanks Poop!

  3. The Concierge5:24 PM

    Can't you achieve the same thing by plugging in any standard external hard drive with a ESATA connection? - Isn't that the point of the connection on the back of the Scientific Atlantic 8300s, you plug it in and the box recognized it as a place to store additional content? -anyone want to weigh in. Note: I would not recommend plugging in a Hard Drive that you had stuff already stored on as the DVR box may format the drive and erase existing data.

  4. master bates7:49 PM

    the extender must be blank or it will get reformatted. if cable goes out due to power outage you may have to reconnect them. you do not lose programming. i recommend the western digital extender
