Thursday, October 21, 2010

Because JLeary is My Favorite Poophead I Answer His Comments in a Separate Post

jleary said...
Duda in the outfield over Pagan?

Yes Pagan had a great season (for him) but his OPS was only .765, 34th among all major league outfielders.

When you consider other factors his WAR was excellent, 13th among outfielders.

But that's because he stole 37 bases in 46 attempts and played great defense. But as opposed to traditional hitting stats those numbers often swing wildly from year to year.

Another thing he did really well this year, hit runners with in scoring position (.901 OPS) also tends to fluctuate from year to year.

Also, he is 29 years old and I believe last season was at or near the peak performance of which he is capable.

And my entire philosophy for the Mets right now is not to let older players stand in the way of the development of younger players.

Maybe Pagan can be traded for a decent prospect, or he can hang around as a 4th outfielder and play everyday when Beltran gets hurt or if Beltran is traded.

jleary said...
I don't see that much potential in Duda. the Mets have 2 better outfield [sic] prospects I would rather see playing in the majors F-Mart and Kirk Nieuwenhuis [sic]

You are wrong about this. Neither of those guys is as good as Duda, based on results on the field. Yes, Martinez has more hype but juding by what happens on the field, Duda is the best.

Check out the OPS for all 3 over the past 3 years, 2008 - 2010 (levels in parenthesis):

Nieuwenhuis: .744 (Brooklyn), .843 (St. Lucie, Binghamton), .801 (Binghamton, Buffalo)
Martinez: .772 (Binghamton), .877 (Buffalo), .772 (Buffalo)
Duda: .755 (St. Lucie), .808 (Binghamton), .967 (Binghamton, Buffalo)

Note: Martinez has a career .505 OPS in 109 at bats with the Mets, Duda is .678 in 84 ABs.

Judging by the stats, Duda is clearly the best performer of the three. And though you often say past performance is no guarantee of future results, I often say past performance is the best indicator of future results.

Maybe someday Jleary will learn how to spell Nieuwenhuis but for now he should stick to D-U-D-A

jleary said...
Let's not forget about Schilling.

I did not forget about Schilling but considering his ERA is twice as high as Lee's I couldn't in good faith put him up there as the very best. Yes his resume is very impressive, but I chose Koufax because of his best ever post-season ERA (0.95) and Gibson because of his 8 CGs in 9 postseason starts. And because the number of starts for those three is very similar. That's not to say if Lee starts 11 more times in the playoffs he might end up with an ERA higher than Schilling's. It could happen, but as of now, I'd take Lee over anyone.

Yeah, the whole bloody sock thing was cool, but Schilling still takes a back seat to Cliff Lee

Note: For Damino, while El Duque had a fantastic start to his postseason career, his overall numbers (9-3, 2.55 ERA) are not even close to Lee's.


  1. jleary3:11 PM

    There is no way the Mets best player from this year becomes a 4th outfielder to a rookie..there is nothing more to say about that....except that why do you say that defense varies alot from year to year?

    Schillings ERA maynot be as good, but none of those other pictures played a good portion of those games against lineups that the Yankees put together those years. Schilling was in the steriod era that the others weren't.

  2. master bates11:53 AM

    I hate to agree with the poop - but Pagan was the best player because the rest of the team was garbage ... not beacuse he is any good.

  3. jleary12:44 PM

    Pagan has played for for the Mets since he has been here. His two main probelms prior to this year were staying healthy and always keeping his head in the game. he cut down on the mental mistakes and stayed relatively healthy all year. he is a good player.
    Now if you want to trade him because you think it is his peak, that is one thing. But if either of you really think he will be a 4th outfielder for this team to start the year (unless they make some crazy move, ie Crawford) then maybe I overestimated your knowledge of sports.
    And if winning is the most important thing...then WAR is not a stat you can just gloss over to try to make your point.
