Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Do You Give Me For? Toucan Sam and the Mayan Archaelogy Initiative Toucan

Kellogg is asking a group working to defend Mayan culture to reconsider its logo, saying consumers can confuse it with Toucan Sam.
An attorney for Kellogg sent a letter to the nonprofit Maya Archaeology Initiative saying Kellogg opposes the group's bid to trademark its logo.
The Maya Archaeology Initiative says there is little similarity. It says its logo is based upon a realistic toucan native to Mesoamerica, while Toucan Sam is a cartoon character with the coloring of Froot Loops.


  1. Damino11:08 AM

    I don't think they're very similar. I don't blame Kelloggs for acting as it is, but I just don't see how the two images are close enough to be confusing.

  2. If you don't think they are similar then how can you not think Kellogg is being frivolous? Any reasonable person would judge there is no way these logos will confuse consumers. Kellogg is just trying to bully a weaker organization.

  3. Damino3:06 PM

    My guess is Kellogg wants to fiercely protect its brand, and egged on by its attorneys, this is meant as a message to others not to mess with them. I don't think they'd win on the merits, but I understand what they're doing.

  4. It's total B.S. Are they going to bring a lawsuit against actual Tigers because they look too much like Tony the Tiger? I can't stand this crap. I kinda get Damino's point of basically putting a message out there, don't mess with us....but I still think they're a bunch of dicks for doing it.
