Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where Were You When the World Shook?

My one chance to experience an earthquake in New York City and I missed it. I was in a meeting in the center of the building and none of us felt a thing.
We started getting e-mails about it and assumed it was just DC. But people seated near the windows did feel.
Did you?
Share your experience in the comments section.


  1. I was sitting in my office, when the room started to apparently move. I honestly thought that I was having some sort of medical issue, like I was on the verge of passing out - because I got really dizzy. Then I noticed that the door to my office was slightly moving.

    Shortly after, everyone came out of their offices and cubes - and we were all WTF? Then someone said "hey, it's on CNN". So we all went to the kitchen area and watched in disbelief that we actually felt an earthquake which originated in Virginia.

    I felt queasy for hours after it, because I'm very motion-sensitive.

    Very strange experience.

  2. Mrs. Poop8:50 PM

    I was sitting at a computer at the nurse's station charting and all of a sudden I felt my chair move. I turned around to see if someone bumped me and there was no one there. Then I started to feel sick. I was like why am I so dizzy I just ate lunch. Then I looked over at the nurse sitting at the desk with me and we noticed the whole desk was shaking and all of the computers were moving. Another nurse came in and asked if we felt it too then all of the patients started coming out of their rooms. We all ran to the windows to see if there was something like construction going on. A few minutes later one of the dads said it was an earthquake. All of the patients were freaking out. A bunch of people on the floor said they didn't feel anything. It was pretty crazy. I wonder what poor Diesel was thinking all alone here at the house.

  3. Reissberg9:47 PM

    I didn't feel a thing. Neither did the guy in the next office. But the guy two doors down, and my secretary, whose cubicle is about 20 feet from me, did.


  4. Damino9:30 AM

    I had a very similar experience to RZR. I was sitting in my office and started feeling motion sickness, like when a boat goes over a rough patch of waves. I stood up and felt like I was going to fall down.

    For basically the rest of the afternoon I felt like I was motion sick (I'm hugely sensitive to that).

    We are right across from grand central and my first thought was not an earthquake but that there was an explosion in the subways underneath us. Our building P.A. announced there was an "unidentified tremor" which did nothing to calm anyone down, and 3 minutes later they came back and said it was an earthquake and the building is fine.

  5. I'm on a 16th floor, and EVERYONE felt the whole building sway. The whole place got up and left. I did a twitter search instead, saw it was an earthquake in VA...and, knowing that I had nothing to fear, stuck around.

    There was basically one other dude around, and we both went into an abandoned conference room of big-wigs, and proceeded to steal some of their catered lunch.
