Thursday, July 19, 2012

Am I Supposed to Be Sad About This?

When I saw this e-card I immediately thought of one person: Jared G. He was exactly the person described here. He played football, he was nominally cool, girls thought he was cute and he thought he was hot shit. One time, on the bus back from a trip to Quebec, I was trying to sleep and he was fucking with me. Putting his hands in my face, grazing my nose, so I jumped up, slapped his hands away and told him to cut the shit. He punched me in the face and broke my glasses. While we never had another incident and I seldom was around him, I always felt like he thought he was better than me because he had gotten the best of me that day, and because he was cooler in high school.

Last week Jared G. killed himself. He shot himself in his car in the Village Greens Shopping Center in Arden Heights. He was married with a young child. After college at CSI, Jared opened up a beer distributor on Manor Rd (or bought the existing one) with at least one of his other high school football buddies who also lacked skills translatable to a job in the real world. Evidently that venture failed because in the article about his death the Advance says he was driving a cement truck.

They say living well is the best revenge so I guess it would be hard to deny I got revenge on Jared. Me working where I work and him driving a cement truck is the real world equivalent of me being on the football team and him running track.

I wouldn't say I am happy he's dead, nor that I smiled when I heard that he died, but I don't feel any sadness for him either. I am sad that his young child has to grow up without a father, but other than that nothing. Obviously his life didn't turn out the way he hoped when he was walking around the Susan Wagner hallways in his cool football jacket with the white leather sleeves. Mine did. I don't want to sound angry about an incident from 17 or 18 years ago, because I seldom if ever thought about him, until that e-card reminded me. But it does give me a weird sense of satisfaction. Sort of like Walt, at the end of Season 4, "I won."

This is not the first time I've been insensitive to someone who committed suicide. Read the comments attached to this post to find out what a jerk I am.


  1. fatscat4:41 PM

    I remember at graduation a conversation you had with him...

    Paul: Jared, I'm gonna miss you buddy.

    Jared: Why? I was a d!ck to you.

    I wonder if this was Ilan Halal, would Ton have the same reaction?

  2. Juice4:42 PM


  3. FS, I don't remember that conversation.

    Juice, that can be arranged.

  4. Vinny7:11 PM

    So he at least acknowledged he was a dick to you?. But I'm sure you had it easy compared to me growing up when it came to being effed with. But I couldn't tell you one person's name that actually effed with me today.

  5. I don't remember this guy at all. But I was a nerd and didn't associate with the cool people.

  6. Paul, if you were in line at the midnight showing of Dark Knight Rises in Colorado, would you have been livid that the movie was cancelled? :)

  7. what would damino say?

  8. Vin, of course I would be angry if I paid to see a movie that I didn't get to see because of the selfish actions of an individual. I'd also be mad he shot up the place, but yeah, I'm sure every moviegoer in that theater (except the kids) still wants to see the movie and is pissed they paid for a movie they didn't get to see.

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Nobody should ever be made to feel like they are less worthy than someone else, but you seem to be holding an extremely harsh grudge on something a grown, family man did as a teenager. As you stated, you never had another incident and you were seldom in his presence after the matter. Therefore, it was obviously not a recurrent issue. As for him maybe thinking he was better than you, no matter what stage in life you are in, there will always be people who think they are better than you. Some may very well be, while others clearly not. Being on a football team definitely doesn't make a person better than someone on a track team, but on that note, having a degree and a great career doesn't make you better than a cement truck driver either. Life isn't measured by the material things in life, nor is it measured by how long you live it. Life is measured by the good you do and by how much you are loved by the people around you. It's just really sad that you feel you got the ultimate revenge and satisfaction on someone's tragic death. I only hope this comment gives you some thought and somewhat changes your perspective.

  10. Thank you anonymous for you very thoughtful words. I know you are correct (except for the part about my job not being better than a cement truck driver's). But I feel the way I feel. Like I said, I'm not celebrating his death, I didn't spend years actively rooting for it or plotting his demise. I just feel nothing for someone who treated me horribly. Maybe had I gotten to run into the more mature version of him I would have changed my mind. But I didn't, so my impression stands.

  11. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Paul, I never said your job wasn't better. I'm sure it may very well be, but one's career path doesn't make them a better individual. I can understand not feeling anything for his loss, as I would probably not feel much for many people who have been in and out of my life, but your comment just seemed to be vicious rather than impassive and unsympathetic. I hope that's not how it was intended to be. I'm sure if you did run into him later in life you would have changed your mind about him, but sadly it's too late for that.

  12. Damino11:16 AM

    Focks I was trying to abstain from comment on this. I didn't know Jared and have no doubt he was a jerk to Paul in high school, but the post seems unnecessarily harsh about a guy who just died and left behind family and friends (probably including this anonymous commenter).

    But it's Paul's blog about Paul's life and he's surely entitled to post his opinion, which I think he has done honestly.

  13. Vinny9:13 PM

    I'm pretty sure all those at the theatre that night got a voucher to watch a future showing. But anyway, I did read your original post similar to anon. Not that what I think matters much, but just thought I'd add that the original post misled some of us into thinking you felt like you've "beaten" him.

  14. Fatscat, if it was Ilan, I'd feel bad. I hated the kid for like 17 years, but in a highschool teenager sorta way. If the shit hit the fan, I'd let it all go.

    About the situation in general: I'm old enough to realize that I can't understand peoples motivations on why they behave certain ways. Some messed up stuff can happen in the course of life, and who am I to know what happened, or how I would be if it happened to me. I'm talking about love/loss/abuse/whatever. Maybe I'd be a dick (more often) if family life was different while growing up, who knows?

    I actually don't know who this kid is, and I'm not sure I ever heard that bus story Paul. In general, I 100% agree with the concept of that e-card, and the humor behind it, and applying it to our lives. But the dude killed himself, so obviously he had some stuff going on. I mean, I dunno. At a minimum, regardless of intention, I want to give this post a "Too Soon" label.

    So to answer the main question "Am I supposed to be sad about this", from my point of view yes. Saint or not, he must have been living a tortured existence, to the point where he ended it all leaving his wife and kid. Something, some how, some where set that all in motion, and that to me is sad.

  15. jleary9:20 AM

    This is Paul's blog about him and his feelings, thoughts, etc. So in that regard I don't really have a problem with what you wrote because they are your thoughts and that is what we come here to read by choice. Things he says aren't always going to popular with everyone, and maybe part of his purpose is to elicit a reaction/debate..which was certainly accomplished.
    What I do think is wrong is putting his first and last name. I think it was at Pauls urging that we don't put our real names on comments, so whether is it juice or nails or ton or mr and mrs poop (granted my name isnt the most clever) we all try to have some sort of amoninity on this blog so as to not be able to be googled and show up here. You did not give him the same right. Anyone of his family/friends can google his name and come across this and this is not something I think they should see. He easy could have been just jared or jg or whatever.
    So while I don't think you should have to change what you feel or sugar coat anything, maybe you can be a little more careful in the approach. 10-15 years from now his daughter shouldn't googled her dads name and have to read this

  16. Once again, thank you all for your comments. I have spoken to many of you in the past few days and your thoughts all pretty much center around the same things.

    1) You understand why I feel the way I feel
    2) Up until the point where I said "I won" that was going too far
    3) I shouldn't post these ugly feelings where his grieving family members can see them

    The first two points are totally fair, I don't agree with the third. This blog is about sharing everything. If I had kept my feelings to myself we never would have had this thought-provoking discussion on the topic.

    But of course JLeary is right. I created the various monikers to protect the Poopheads from possibly saying something they wouldn't want a future employer to see. For outsiders I haven't granted them the same anonymity, but usually those stories were of neutral or only somewhat negative tone.

    In this case, I should have made him ungoogle-able to his family members. I have corrected that, and eventually anyone searching his name won't be able to find this post.

    Vin, of course what you say matters. My favorite part of doing this blog is reading the comments. It shouldn't just be my forum to sound off, it should be yours too.

    And I never get mad at people telling me I'm wrong.

  17. Who's juice? Haven't heard that used as a name in awhile. It's not me. Anyway, although I haven't seen most of you in awhile. Glad to still see your names and reading your thoughts. Hope all is well with you all.

  18. When you left us we recruited a new Juice for family. Sorry, you've been replaced. And he's not even Asian.

    Glad I pissed you all off enough to get you talking.

  19. is ton still alive?
