Saturday, June 24, 2006

More Ozzie Guillen Controversy

White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen just can't stay out of trouble.
First there was the incident with the young pitcher who didn't hit Hank Blalock with a pitch as we was told.

Then Guillen called Chicago Sun-Times reporter Jay Mariotti a fag. I agree that Mariotti is the worst kind of sportswriter, he gets on "Around the Horn" and screams and yells like a fool. And in his columns he's purposely contrarian to get attention. The problem with Guillen (which was previously mentioned by AJ Pierzynski) is that Mariotti has been writing columns critical of the team and the manager, but he's never been in their locker room, covering the team and asking questions.

Obviously, Guillen shouldn't have called him a fag. He should have stuck with piece of shit (the first insult he used).

Now, the latest controversy involves the Cardinals, who accused the Sox of stealing their signs. The Sox pounded the Cards 20-6 and 13-5 in the first two games of their series. Chicago won the third game 1-0, as their only hit was a homer by Jim Thome. The best part of this: because the St. Louis bullpen was shot after the first game, LaRussa left his game 2 starting pitcher Jason Marquis in for five innings while getting his brains beat in. Marquis had won 6 decisions in a row, but he gave up 13 runs and 14 hits in 5 innings. His ERA skyrocked to 5.53 from 4.55 in that start alone.

Friday, June 23, 2006

It's Free? Sounds Good to Me

We here at the Poop love anything that's free. And we hate things that are not free. Particularly when they should be free, or were free at one point. That means TV shows. Now Google Video is catching on and thanks to its sponsors it is offering some old TV shows for free. There's nothing too great here, unless you really like Mr. Magoo or the Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. But at least one reader (SCZA) will appreciate these wrestling videos, old school tributes to such luminaries as Cactus Jack Manson and Booker T.

Uncle Mick

TON Wanted an Explanation

Snoop Dogg's fans were stunned when "American Idol" winner Taylor Hicks joined the rapper onstage in Alabama to perform "Gin and Juice."

Snoop Dogg, real name Calvin Broadus, was performing at Birmingham's City Stages festival on Saturday when the Alabama native joined him for a surprise duet.

The silver-haired soul singer played the harmonica during the song and performed some of his famous dance moves later in the rapper's set.

Game Winning Hit

With the scored tie 5-5 in the 10th inning the Florida Marlins had a runner on second and their only good player, Miguel Cabrera at the plate. The Baltimore Orioles tried to intentionally walk him. They tried.

Cheerleading is Fun

A cheerleader at Marshall University is suing the school for discrimination, claiming that she was subjected to a "pervasive environment of sexual harassment" and abuse at the hands of male members of the squad and that the team's coaching staff did nothing to stop the it.

She alleges that male members of the squad:
-routinely called the female squad members, bitches, whores and cunts
-exposed themselves
-rubbed their scrotums on a girl's face as she stretched on the floor
-groped girls' breasts
-shouted "throw the bitches up" and caught the girls by their genitals during cheers

The head cheerleader:
-grabbed her sports bra and pulled it down because he wanted to see her breasts
-told her not to be a bitch or she'd find her ass hitting the ground during routines
-teabagged several girls (as described above, rubbing his scrotum on girls' heads and faces)
-offered her a permanent spot on the team if she slept with him
-asked her to make pornographic movies with him
-announced that he wanted to "fuck her"

The coaching staff allowed this to happen by:
-allowing cheers to be called "The Bearded Clam," "More Head" and "String of Pearls"
-the hand signal to indicate the team should do String of Pearls, was pantomiming masturbation
-told girls to put golf balls in their cleavage and in their skirts at a PR event at a local country club
-when the defendant refused she was put on probation for not being "personable"
-expecting the girls to kiss a penis shaped putter and show their breasts to male golfers

Mike/Stacey & TON Make Me Happy

As I've stated several times, other than being an outlet for my information and stories, the best part of doing this blog is reading your comments. Everyday when I get home I open my e-mail which receives the messages, and only your messages. Today I was delighted to have 14 messages (mostly from TON and Mike/Stacey).

They addressed the U.S. soccer team, Jenna Jameson and Taylor Hicks.

Time for the rest of you to step up.

Some Things You Didn't Know About Lastings Milledge

During Thursday's Mets game Chris Kotter told fans about Lastings Milledge facts, a website that reports some previously unknown info about the Mets future star. Gary Cohen felt the need to emphasize that these were facts in quotation marks, because some people don't understand sarcasm.
This internet craze started most hilariously with Chuck Norris, then moved on to the awful Jack Bauer and even one for Phillies Phenom Cole Hamels.

While I was skeptical of these copycat sites I must say that the Milledge site does have mostly original work, a large percentage of which is actually fairly amusing.
42. Jim Duquette says he wouldn't trade Lastings Milledge.
60. Lastings Milledge traded Kaz Matsui to the Colorado Rockies.
139. The 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not run on Lastings Milledge.
159. Lastings Milledge once hired Donald Trump to be his personal bat boy....after a week Lastings said, YOUR FIRED. Yes, he said "your" instead of "you're." Despite his super powers, grammar has never been Lastings Milledge's forte.
309. Lastings Milledge loves asian chicks. Actually, he loves all chicks. He is Lastings Milledge!
312. Lastings Milledge was the only black person to appear on Beverly Hills 90210.
325. Lastings Milledge went to Geno's Cheesesteaks and ordered Vietnamese food, in Japanese, while wearing a turban. He was not only served, he is now the customer of the year.

And the best one was pointed out by Kotter...
311. Lastings Milledge was the captain of Tom Emanski's back-to-back-to-back AAU national championship teams.

How Lastings learned to throw so well

Another Evil Phillie

We told you that the Philadelphia Phillies were bad guys who hate kids. Now we find out they beat women too.
Pitcher Brett Myers was arrested Friday and charged with hitting his wife in the face on a street not far from Fenway Park.
Myers was arguing with his wife shortly after midnight at the corner of Boylston and Dalton streets, said David Procopio, a spokesman for the Suffolk County District Attorney's office. The woman and two witnesses told police the 25-year-old pitcher hit her. One witness told investigators Myers also pulled her hair.
"The evidence at this point leads us to believe the victim was struck in the left side of her face," Procopio said. He added that investigators are trying to determine if Myers hit her with a fist or open hand and whether he hit her more than once.
Police responded to a 911 call and found Myers' wife crying with a swollen face, Procopio said. Officers found Myers nearby and arrested him. Myers was booked by Boston police and his wife posted his $200 bail. Procopio did not know how long Myers spent in jail.

Face Facts

The U.S. is not good at soccer. Yesterday "the greatest U.S. team ever assembled" got beat by Ghana (no Ghana puns here) 2-1 in a must win game. They actually showed some life, coming back from a 1-0 deficit to score on a brilliant run and pass by DaMarcus Beasley to Clint Dempsey.
But right after that Gooch mugged a Black Star on a head ball and the refs (suspiciously) awarded a penalty kick that became the game winning goal.
The U.S. had several opportunities but they just weren't good enough. The ball was always a few inches (or further) off its target.
Now we can enjoy the rest of the tournament. I hope my readers will continue to watch as this is when the tournament really gets exiciting, when the best teams are competing against each other.
My pre-Cup choice, France is on the ropes today. They have to beat Togo and hope that the match between Switzerland and South Korea is not a tie. If it is, they can still win on goal differential, but that gets a little hairy.
Brazil finally ramped it up, winning 4-1 yesterday, so they are finally rounding into shape.
More analysis to come once the field of 16 is set.

Brazil has the best fans

As Seen on CNN

Fat kids (or more correctly their parents) ruin everything.
Fluff is pretty much just melted marshmallow, and it's a key ingredient in Fluffernutter sandwiches -- peanut butter and a layer of marshmallow on bread.
A state senator proposed limiting its availability in school lunchrooms to once a week, horrified at the prospect of it being a daily staple of kids' diets. Another lawmaker jumped to Fluff's defense, nominating the Fluffernutter as the official state sandwich.
A small company called Durkee-Mower, makes Fluff and nothing but Fluff, this year they will sell 7 million pounds for the first time in its history.
Fluff was invented in the Somerville kitchen of Archibald Query, who sold it door-to-door just before World War I.
In 1920, two Infantry veterans of the war -- H. Allen Durkee and Fred L. Mower -- bought the recipe from Query for $500. With a barrel of sugar and a secondhand Ford, the pair began driving around looking for customers. Back then, a gallon of the stuff sold for about $1; these days, a 16-oz. jar goes for a little more than $2.
Fluff has always been just four ingredients: corn syrup, sugar, dried egg white and vanilla. The corn syrup and sugar are cooked and poured into 13 mixing bowls that stand 6 feet tall. One person measures the egg whites and vanilla for every batch by hand.
"I can't tell you how long we whip it for," Durkee said without smiling. "That's about the only part of the trade secret. You could almost invent it by accident."
While most other companies start with one product and then branch out, Durkee-Mower just makes Fluff. About as diverse as it has gotten is making different flavors, such as raspberry and strawberry.
The company says it can be used in fruit salads, cheesecakes, lemon meringue pies, fruit flavored shakes and dessert bars. Dollops of Fluff can go in hot chocolate or be used as the base for cake frosting. The Yummy Book, a Fluff cookbook, includes recipes for Sweet Potato Souffle, Never Fail Fudge and Popcorn Fluff Puffs.
More than 50 percent of the Fluff sold is in New England and upstate New York, said Durkee, who wouldn't disclose exact figures. However, as Northeasterners move west and south -- and supermarket chains merge -- Fluff has followed.

I saw Soledad O'Brien on CNN eating it with a spoon, on-air.

Major Merger (Not Seen on CNN)

Playboy bought Club Jenna Inc., a multimedia adult entertainment business founded by adult entertainment star Jenna Jameson, for an undisclosed amount.
Club Jenna's assets include a film production business, a video content library, a network of Web sites and a DVD retail distribution deal.
In addition to its namesake magazine, Playboy owns the Playboy and Spice adult television networks, and produces and distributes DVDs and videos.
Christie Hefner, Playboy's chairman and chief executive, Club Jenna a "a very attractive business."
"This acquisition will allow us to diversify our content offerings in the domestic TV business, while, on the online side, also expanding their existing properties through our network of sites," she said in a statement.
Both Jameson and her husband, Club Jenna president Jay Grdina, have signed personal service agreements with Playboy in conjunction with the acquisition.

Put a Jersey On

SCZA is getting ready for next week's Mets-Red Sox series by laying his clothes out on the bed.
I admire the fact that he's shelled out a lot of dough for tickets to all three games. I also like the fact he will wear three different jerseys, including one bought specifically for the occassion.
I do however think the Wright jersey should be saved for the last day of the trip. The cheap heat SCZA is going to get in a Pedro jersey in Fenway for Pedro vs. Schilling should be incredible.

I Don't Even Know What This Means

Anna Benson (and Kris) made her triumphant return to Shea Stadium last week, as her husband shut down the Mets en route to an Orioles victory.

After the game she said "I'm actually feeling generous. I was going to offer to send a case of K-Y Jelly to the Mets' clubhouse. For as many guys that are prepared to use it. Give me a number." What?

She also missed Kris' home run. "I was out puffing a cigarette (when he hit it). I was around the bathroom. I sat there the whole game and the only time he hits a home run I'm out there."

She also talked about the infamous Christmas party. "I was sitting up the whole time. But I'm a 34 Triple-D. You're gonna get cleavage no matter what I do. I regret my dress wasn't shorter and more low cut."

Mrs. Claus just lean in a little more
I want boobs like yours for Christmas
Willie smiles knowingly while peering down the front of Anna's dress

Kat's Dark Side

American Idol hottie Katharine McPhee admitted that she'd been bullimic since she was 17. At her worst point, she was throwing up as many as seven times a day.
She didn't seek help until after her initial Idol audition.
"When I made it onto American Idol, I knew that food – my eating disorder – was the one thing really holding me back," she says. "I was bingeing my whole life away for days at a time … So when I got on the show, I said, 'You know what? I can do well in this competition. Let me give myself a chance and just get ahold of this thing.' "
"Growing up in Los Angeles and spending all those years in dance class, I'd been conscious of body image at a young age, and I went through phases of exercising compulsively and starving myself. … Food was my crutch; it was how I dealt with emotions and uncomfortable situations."

She'd spend 10 hours a day at the Eating Disorder Center where she learned "intuitive eating." "I learned that there's no such thing as a bad food," she says. "If you look at a doughnut, people think it's a fattening food – why? Because if you eat it you'll get fat? No, you'll get fat if you eat 10 doughnuts."

lucky bastard, her boyfriend is 41, 19 years older than her

Thursday, June 22, 2006

As Seen on CNN

David Hasselhoff is a busy man recently. He is in Adam Sandler's new movie "Click," he's a judge on the new show "America's Got Talent," and he's also coming out with a book. He dropped by CNN to talk about all that stuff in what became a contentious interview with Soledad O'Brien. First, he denied that his character in Click was a jerk, but sort of an evil boss. He said he enjoyed playing that after being heroes like Michael Knight and Mitch. Soledad asked if Adam Sandler constantly kept him in stitches during the shooting of the movie and he said no, and made a remark about Sandler having a dark side.
Then Soledad asked him about his divorce and allegations that he hit his soon to be ex-wife. You should watch the clip yourself. Check out the way his body language changes. When she asks the questions he crosses his legs and folds his arms, classic body language indicators of standoffishness and truculence.
Other than that brief outburst he was funny, gregarious and appreciative towards Soledad.

I Didn't Mean Gay

Apparently Michael Strahan's soon to be ex-wife didn't mean he was gay when she said he developed an alternative lifestyle after moving in with a friend when the couple split up.
She now says, "I didn't just blurt out Michael is gay with Ian. I really meant that it was a lifestyle change. ... Alternative to being with me was hanging out with this guy, chasing anything that moves."

Ozzie Guillen thinks they're fags
least cute 19 month old kids I've ever seen
Strahan didn't even remember his kids' birthdays
lying bitch

Mazel Tov!

A hearty Mazel Tov goes out to Freedo and Amber (Colorado's second hottest couple after Melo and LaLa) on their wedding this weekend. Freedo has graciously invited all Mets fans out to Colorado for the August 29-31 series. I only met Amber briefly but she is very sweet and very good looking and she accompanies Freedo to all the Nuggets games, while wearing a Melo jersey (I wish I had saved that picture that was posted on the fantasy baseball message board last year). Sounds like a good woman to me. Congratulations to both of them.

Breaking News, Horrible, Breaking News

The Knicks fire Larry Brown, Isiah Thomas named head coach.

SNY's Sexy Seductress

Julie Donaldson is the hot host of "Mets Weekly" on SportsNet New York. Two weeks ago she so disgustingly threw herself at David Wright during his charity golf event, I actually had to call Mrs. Poop over to watch it and make sure I wasn't imagining it. Julie bragged about her golf game, and her bowling game, doing everything short of saying "I'm good with a long stick and big balls."

this picture is quite stunning, maybe it's her eyes

I haven't seen her on Mets Weekly since but I think that's just because they did the show on location from Philly last week with Siafa Lewis.

Before landing her Mets gig, Julie was a pageant queen, winning Miss Florida USA in 2001.

with another year's winner
there she is, Miss Florida USA

Julie then hosted a show called "Softball 360" on Fox Sports Net, as well as"Healthy Body Healthy Mind" on PBS. She certainly seemed to learned something during her time on that show.


After that Julie worked for the Miami Heat as the host of "Heat TV."

Her responsibilities for Heat TV required her to wear stripper boots... host events... get in the dunk tank while wearing a white wifebeater... roll with Spongebob...
...and to score one for the kids

laughing Julie
this pic is most inline with her current look on SNY

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Fifteen years ago today, I went to Jason's Bar Mitzvah.

you can see the names, Jason Leary is first, I'm on the third line, Jordan is on the other side of the leg and Reissberg is by the right foot

You're With Me, Damien

The You're With Me, Leather phenomenon is picking up steam as Damien from TRL wore a YWML on MTV. If you haven't heard the story, "You're With Me Leather" is reportedly a pick up line successfully used by ESPN's womanizing Chris Berman on a leather clad hottie.

We Know Some Girls Who Majored in This

Pizza Parlor Derek discusses some interesting research being done, at our beloved alma mater, Syracuse University.

Gay Stray?

A messy divorce just got a whole lot worse for Giants lineman Michael Strahan.
Today after court, Jean Strahan told reporters that after he filed for divorce last March, "Michael moved in with Ian in his one-bedroom apartment for the next year. You could say an alternative lifestyle sprouted."
The Ian she refers to is television doctor Ian Smith.
Smith denied the rumors saying, "Michael Strahan is very heterosexual, and I am very heterosexual." Smith does admit letting Strahan crash on his couch though.

Is Strahan going to call a Piazza-esque press conference?
Wasn't Strahan always Governor McGreevey's favorite player?
Which one was Johnny Cakes, Strahan or Smith?
Speaking of cakes, the other woman in this sordid mess is referred to as "cupcake."
Jeremy Shockey is going to be furious.

Johnny Cakes
looks pretty gay here
They do make a nice looking couple

Messy Divorce

As SCZA pointed out, Giants defensive lineman Michael Strahan is involved in a messy divorce with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Jean.

the strahans in happier times

The couple is arguing over money.
According to Strahan, Jean spent $101,211 on the couple's twin 19-month old daughters in the past year, including:
-$26,888 for clothes ("I don't see how you spend that amount of money on kids when they grow so fast.")
-$22,514 for photos ("That blows my mind. You would have to be in the studio 24-7...You would have to be considered a model to take that many pictures.")
-$9,545 on their first birthday party ("By next year, I don't think they'll even remember" the parties, he said, noting that he had "never been invited" to any. )
-$3,668 on invitations to the party
-$9,692 for gifts for the kids who attended the party
-$8,607 for holiday gifts for the twins
-$6,281 for unspecified "equipment"
-$1,695 for education including sign-language classes, gymnastics and swimming (Strahan didn't complain about this expense)

Jean wants $14 million in the divorce in accordance with a prenuptial agreement signed before their 1999 wedding.
Michael says Jean only deserves half.
Strahan admits he hasn't paid child support since filing for divorce in March 2005.

Jean says that she isn't the only one spending money. Michael bought three cars since then - a 1989 Aston Martin, for $92,000; a 2005 BMW 650 convertible, for $95,000; and a Jeep, for $55,000.
He's bought three homes since he left Jean - one of them, in California, for $2.5 million.
Strahan says he's spent an average of $416 a month on vacations, including, a Hawaiian trip after the Pro Bowl, a stay at a $1,000-a-night hotel in St. Maarten; a weekend at a Four Seasons in Arizona; and trips to Toronto (where is new girlfriend lives) and Germany.

The Curtains Don't Match the Drapes

Jessica Simpson is in the latest issue of Maxim, showing off her new hair color, and some of her other stuff.

Girlz Iz Dumm

Last week at work I had to listen to two girls telling the most inane stories, typifying the type of crazy girl who can never forget things. Here's what happened:

Girl A was telling Girl B about her 10 year college reunion. It was very awkward for her because she used to be part of a big group of friends but since college she has only kept in touch with a few of them. The reason she stopped talking to the others? Right before graduation she was on her way to the library. She saw those friends and they threw her into the pond on campus. She was so upset, they ruined her brand new clothes. Also, she had to go home and change and she was so distraught that she couldn't go the library, and had to get an extension on her paper. This incident ruined her last few days of college and she will never forgive them for it. Just as I was ready to get up and strangle this girl for her pettiness, girl B spoke up.

In her past (8th grade), she shared a locker with three other girls. One day they left her a note saying they no longer want to share a locker with her. She still remembers the note verbatim ("you have no personality"). They were right, she doesn't. Then they went on to talk about how everyone has incidents in their past that scarred them for life.

I never did, until now.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Diesel's Archnemesis

This cat frequently hangs out in our driveway (where this picture was taken) and taunts Diesel about the fact that he can run free throughout the neighborhood, while Diesel is constantly restrained by a leash. One day Diesel is going to kill this cunt, I mean cat.

Over at the Recap

I apologize to all loyal Mets fans and loyal Poop readers, but I have decided to move most of the Mets content to The Happy Recap. I didn't do this because of the complainers, I did it because I want to launch it as a legitimate Mets blog, so it needs readers. I also love getting comments, so I want to confine them all to one place. Thanks.

Kate's Car

Here's a look at the damage done to Kate's car in the accident we had a few weeks ago, on the 10th anniversary of Daminofest. The estimate was $3900.

Happy Birthday

Happy 28th Birthday Paul
Love, Kate and Diesel

You're Not Really Ari Gold

In the latest example of an actor taking his breakout role too seriously, Jeremy Piven insulted thousands of fans at Wrigley Field. There to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" Piven exhorted the crowd by saying "Hey Cub fans, let's hug it out you little bitches."
I'm sure most of the fans have never seen "Entourage" especially the little kids that were in attendence. Apparently, he was supposed to say "let's hug it out Cub fans" and either he was drunk, or just forgot.
I usually don't have a problem with coarse language but in a case like this, Piven should have known better.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Reds 4 Mets 2

It was a nice night at Shea. We saw a good pitcher's duel and had a pleasant evening other than a brief rain shower. I think it has to rain every time I go to a game. The loss drops my season record to 3-3 but two of those wins were Opening Day and a walk-off against the Yankees. Those outweigh a loss to the Reds.

The game got off to a good start as once again the Mets scored in the first inning. Reyes doubled, and scored on a Beltran grounder after a Lo Duca sacrifice. I have no idea why Willie insists on sacrificing in the first inning. You cannot play for one run in the first inning. He needs to let Lo Duca hit and hope he can get him over with an our, or start a big inning with a hit.

The Reds got the run right back after Kearns singled and stole second, one of three successful steals by the Reds against Mike Piazza, I mean Paul Lo Duca. Phillips walked and Ross (the best catcher in the NL this season) singled home the run, moving Phillips to third with Arroyo coming up and one out. The Reds tried a suicide squeeze but Arroyo popped it up and El Duque caught it. But Brandon Phillips refused to be tagged. He walked all the way home, hid behind the umpire, then pushed off him and tried to run back to third. He was called out as soon as he stepped out of the baseline. El Duque tagged him anyway, then flipped the ball to Phillips, who tossed it into the stands behind Cincinnati's dugout

tag you're it

Things went quickly for the next few innings, Arroyo was rolling and El Duque was getting into and out of little jams. Until Ken Griffey Jr led off the 6th with a solo home run. That was the 548th of his career tying him with Michael Jack Schmidt for 11th on the all-time list. It also gave him and his father a combined total of 700. If not for injuries maybe Barry Bonds would be chasing Ken Griffey.

After a leadoff single by Chavez in the fourth Arroyo retired 10 straight Mets. In the 8th Reyes got a hit but was forced at second on a great double play turned by Juan Castro (no relation to Ramon) who was brought in for defense. That earned a star in my scorecard. Delgado also earned a star for a grounder he fielded in the fourth.

The top of the 8th was where the bullpen let us down. Feliciano started the inning with an out. He had not given up a run in 11 straight innings. But he gave up singles to Dunn and Kearns and he hit Hatteberg to load the bases. Bradford came in, having allowed only 1 of 24 inherited runners to score (Claudia and I were right, Dad was wrong), but now it's 3 of 27. The first batter, Brandon Phillips doubled down the right field line to make it 4-1.

Beltran led off the top of the ninth with a blast, foul. It hit the small scoreboard on the facing of the loge section knocking out the top half of the letters B-A-L-L. On the next pitch he straightened it out for a homer, making the score 4-2.

Then Delgado came up. With the Mets needing a base runner he refused to bunt, or check swing to hit one to the left side with the shift on. I don't understand this. Teams shift to try to persuade power hitters to settle for singles. In this instance a single was as good as a homer down two runs. Swinging for the fences, Delgado struck out. Wright singled by Valentin, his dyed moustache and Xavier Nady could do no good.

A pretty good start overall from El Duque. An encouraging 9th inning from Wagner.

Arroyo was great though. I don't remember him being this good with Boston but tonight he threw 116 pitches in a complete game victory. He is now 9-3 with a 2.47 ERA and if the season ended right now he'd be up there with Webb and Glavine as Cy Young candidates.

A-rod's nemesis shuts down the Mets

Learn Spanish with Professor Reyes: Perro Caliente is a hot dog. Some people had trouble rolling their Rs.
Met's Make a Deal: Guy traded in a Tom Glavine wall clock for basket #2, an xBox. Can't confirm if it was a 360, that seems rather generous.
Mets-terpiece Theater: Steve Trachsel said "Life moves pretty fast sometimes, if you don't stop to look around every once in a while you might miss it."
I didn't catch the name of the segment but they asked some Mets a question in this case it was "who on the team is the best tipper?" Cliff Floyd and Steve Trachsel were the most common answers. And Carlos Beltran said he frequently eats by himself.

that's David Wright under there

After a 9-1 road trip the Mets are 1-3 at home.

Mets 9 Orioles 4

It's just been one of those things this season that when Tom Glavine gives up a few runs, they still find a way to get him enough support to win the game. That's the reason why Glavine is 10-2 and Pedro is 6-3. Glavine pitched pretty well, allowing a run in the second, but he got into trouble in the 6th. Four hits led to two runs. Willie did the right thing by letting him come back for the 7th with a 2 run lead, but when he gave up a hit Willie yanked him.
Feliciano came in and immediately gave up a hit to score a run but then Bradford had his back, stranding his 23rd out of 24 inherited runners.
Sanchez and Heilman closed it out. Good to see Heilman get a 1-2-3 inning.

A very exciting day on offense for the Mets.
Trailing 1-0 in the 5th with two outs, Reyes singled. Then Orioles rookie starter Adam Loewen lost it a little bit, hitting Marrero and Beltran. That loaded the bases for David Wright who blasted a grand slam, the third of his career.

Castro added an insurance run with a homer in the 6th. After Sanchez, he remains my favorite player on the team. He also threw out a runner, something Lo Duca has struggled to do.

Eli Marrero had eventful day in his first start as a Met. He reached base his first three times up, on an infield single, a walk and a hit batsman. But his biggest contribution came in the field. In the top of the 7th (when Bradford came on for Feliciano) with a runner on second, Melvin Mora hit a liner to right, Marrero leaped and snared it, preserving the one run lead.

The bottom of the 7th is one of the strangest innings I've ever seen.
Here's what transpired:
Reyes hit a rocket off Mora's leg. He required medical attention but stayed in the game.
Marrero sacrificed.
Beltran hit an easy grounder to third, but an injured Mora threw it away.
Wright hits a looper into left, it lands just in front of Ed Rogers, then the ball bounces up goes into his shirt sleeve and rolls up his back. He has to reach behind him and grab the ball out through the collar. Damndest thing I've ever seen.
Julio Franco then hits a single to left, Beltran scores and Rogers' throw home is ridiculously over thrown and it bounces around, so Wright tries to score from first. He is thrown out, but awarded home on obstruction. Miguel Tejada was standing on third base and got in Wright's way on his way home.
Then Franco scored on a hit by Castro to make the score 9-4.
You can watch the inning by clicking here, selecting a video choice and then select the Mets score 4 in the 7th.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart was at the game. Chris Kotter kept asking him the inane questions he always gets about whether young people get their serious news from him. Stewart kept deflecting the questions, and Kotter kept rephrasing them and reasking them. Stewart wanted to talk about the Mets, he's a real fan and has been so for 40 years. His only funny line was "good to see Ron Darling kept his girlish figure all these years."