Tuesday, April 02, 2013

One of the Most Gruesome Sports Injuries of All Time

By now you've seen it (so you don't need to comment "I saw that") but I thought I would write something here, for the record, especially since I have posted several gruesome sports injuries (they have their own tag) and I would be remiss if I didn't include this one.

Kevin Ware's injury was so nasty (his leg snapped and the bone poked through the skin) that Louisville players were reportedly vomiting, or at least wretching, on the sidelines. I thought Duke's Tyler Thornton had been poked in the eye. He was wiping away tears. CBS showed a woman in the stands crying. Mrs. Poop thought it was Ware's mom, then they showed three other women doing the same thing.

Ware is already out of the hospital, and on crutches.

Doctors (though not those who treated him) say injuries like this can be repaired and they expect Ware to be ready for next season. I think that a broken bone like this, though gruesome, is easier to repair than a torn ligament like an ACL. And usually has a very good chance of returning to normal form. I hope that will be the case.

Many people are calling this the worst sports injury ever, and it certainly is up there. But I have two I think were a little bit worse.

Houston Cougars wide receiver Patrick Edwards broke his leg in a similar fashion, but what made it worse to me, is that he did it by running into a cart, that never should have been parked there.

But the worst one in my opinion is Corey Hill, a former UFC fighter, who snapped his leg in a similar fashion while delivering a leg kick. What makes his worse is that he's hopping around as another guy is trying to punch him, and his broken bone is wiggling around inside his skin. Joe Rogan is shrieking "stop the fight! stop the fight!"


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    dude you needed to have put those photos "after the jump" style.....bad job poop

  2. I hadn't seen the bone out until now. Gruesome.

    Ware's injury is more freakish because he didn't even land ackwardly, it just snapped. that makes it the worst for me, especially in a non-contact sport.

    The UFC thing looks like he's Gumby. Doesn't look real, would love to see more video/photos.

  3. Damn, I hadn't see that close up shot before. Definitely the worst in my opinion.

    Although, I feel the easy second place spot would belong to this, if the quality were better:

    It's from that Spike TV show SlamBall, where they launched from trampolines and tried to make it an official bball game at the same time. Dude's ankle almost snaps completely OFF.

  4. Juice or whomever anonymous is: this entire blog is a warning. If you type the URL or click the link, you know you might see something disturbing at any time.

    Billy, he did land awkwardly but they think he may have had a stress fracture prior to that because it would be unusual for the leg to break like that without impact like in the other two examples.

    TON, that injury is fuckin sick. And they kept showing it, and zooming in. That is nuts.

  5. Thanks for sharing. I know that injuries in sports happen all the time and that there are thousands of injuries sustained each year at both amateur and professional level. The only thing that can be done to help protect yourself financially is purchasing the correct level of sports accident insurance, before you participate.
