Friday, November 17, 2006

Hot is the Key Word in Hot Chocolate

An Indiana couple has filed a lawsuit against Starbucks, alleging the company was negligent when it served them a hot chocolate that burned their young daughter.
The lawsuit claims Rachel Brennan was severely burned two years ago when the drink spilled on her lap.
The girl's parents, Michael and Alexis Brennan, said Starbucks erroneously served their daughter an adult hot chocolate instead of a child's hot chocolate, which was supposed to be prepared at a lower temperature.
The lawsuit says the girl's mother pulled into a Starbucks drive-through on Nov. 2, 2004, and ordered an adult hot chocolate for herself and a child's hot chocolate for her daughter, who was sitting in a child's restraint seat in the back of the car.
Brennan claims her daughter -- whose age was not mentioned in the suit -- spilled the drink on her lap, resulting in such severe burns that the "skin on her leg was falling off of her."
"Starbucks Corporation takes seriously its obligation to provide a safe product to all our customers and we are truly sympathetic to the Brennan incident that resulted in injuries to this customer's child," wrote Starbucks spokesman Sanja Gould. "While Starbucks regrets this incident, we believe our store partners prepared and served the drink properly and that we are not responsible for the injuries."
Gould confirmed that Starbucks has a policy of serving children's hot beverages at lower temperatures than adult beverages to prevent children from getting burned.
The lawsuit is seeking unspecified damages from Starbucks.

Weekly Picks

5-3 last week, 19-18 on the season.

MIAMI DOLPHINS -3.5 minnesota vikings
I've been getting burned a lot this year by trying to fight the trend. I just still think the Dolphins suck and that the Vikings tailspin is only temporary.

CLEVELAND BROWNS +3.5 pittsburgh steelers
The Steelers proved last week that when they play a good game they can beat almost anyone. Their defense is still a huge problem (41 allowed to Atlanta, 31 to Denver, 31 to New Orleans and 20 to Oakland) but the Browns don't have much offense to as long as they don't turn it over the Steelers should cover.

NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -3.5 cincinnati bengals
I really think the Bengals are just about ready to go in the tank while the Saints are a good team that played one bad game. I've been wrong in this situation a lot of times already this season but I gotta go with the Saints.

HOUSTON TEXANS -2.5 buffalo bills
Both bad teams played good games last week. But the Bills didn't get in the win column. I wish this spread were one more point for the Bills, but I'll take them anyway.

CAROLINA PANTHERS -6.5 st. louis rams
Carolina won the Monday night game which always leads to them being overrated the next week. That's how I won with the Rams last week, using that theory to pick against Seattle. But now I'm getting almost a touchdown from the most inconsistent team in the league, but the Rams are beginning to death spiral. But I'll take them anyway.

KANSAS CITY CHIEFS -11.5 oakland raiders
I know the Raiders have been covering a lot of spreads lately, and that the Chiefs just lost to the Dolphins. But if Kansas City doesn't win this game their season is over. And I never pick an underdog that I think has no shot of winning because 75% of the time, when an underdog covers, it wins outright.

ARIZONA CARDINALS - 2.5 detroit lions
Two awful teams. Maybe the two worst in the league. One lesson I learned last week. Never pick an awful team to win. So the Lions can lose by 2 and cover the spread. I'll hope for that.

DALLAS COWBOYS +3.5 indianapolis colts
The Colts haven't been dominant in their undefeated season so far. But they've been good enough to win all their games and I suspect that trend will continue. The spread is small enough to gamble on.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some Guys Have All the Luck

Distressing news, that Derek Jeter is now banging Jessica Biel. Believe it or not there is quite an age difference, Jeter is 32, and Biel is only 24 though she's been in the spotlight for a while, she burst onto the scene as a teenager in 7th Heaven. Because Biel has already been the subject of not one, but two great Paul's Poop pictorials, I won't bother posting another set of photos. I just hope Jeter thanks whatever God he prays to for giving him so much god damn good luck.

I couldn't resist posting one more

Last Year on the Poop

An update on the Carolina Panthers cheerleaders led to one of the most spirited comments sections in the history of the Poop. It's worth revisiting, just to see how much the Concierge and Jhughes have matured over the past year.

Safe for Work

Not Safe For Work

Song of The Week

Going old school this week, with "I Wanna Be Your Man" by Zapp and Roger.

Not Even For Ringo

Nickelback was looking for four tickets to the TOSU-Michigan game, but there wasn't any more room and the group has no known connection to the university, Ohio State spokesman Steve Snapp.
``I told them, `Not that I don't appreciate your music, but even if you were John Lennon and calling for four for the original Beatles, I couldn't do it,' '' Snapp said.
Snapp said the university accommodates celebrities if it can but doesn't think they draw any more attention to the showdown in which the winner will play for the national championship.
"This game stands on its own," he said. "It doesn't need any help."
Members of country group Rascal Flatts, Yankees shortshop Derek Jeter and former Buckeyes Eddie George and Cris Carter are among those have reserved sideline passes.
Game tickets are so coveted that one Columbus ticket broker said they're fetching between $550 and $1,500 apiece.
Two of the three members of Rascal Flatts grew up in Columbus. Their publicist said Wednesday that they haven't decided whether they can attend.
Jeter, who grew up in Kalamazoo, Mich., and got a baseball scholarship to Michigan, will be on the Wolverines' side of the field.
Jack Nicklaus, a former Ohio State golfer originally from suburban Upper Arlington, also will be at the game.
Carter said he's coming to the game with his family. Not counting the games he played in, "I have never been to an Ohio State-Michigan game," Carter said.
Heisman Trophy winner Eddie George will host a party at his Eddie George's Grille 27 near campus after the game. Other athletes and celebrities are scheduled to appear.

Where's Madonna When You Need Her?

A woman says eBay has shut down her sale of two tickets to Saturday's Michigan-Ohio State football game that she and her husband had hoped would help them raise money to adopt a boy from Guatemala.
Kristie Sigler and her husband, Ken, put their season tickets, about 10 rows from the field, on the Internet auction site hoping the payout would help defray the $12,500 cost to begin processing their adoption paperwork.
But Sigler said eBay canceled the sale Wednesday, saying it violated its policy on charitable auctions.
"They never called, never e-mailed us or anything. They took it off and said because we were using the auction as fundraiser for the adoption, it violated their policy," Kristie Sigler said.
eBay has specific guidelines for charitable fundraising because the area is subject to many state and federal laws.
The couple had been offered as much as $1,550 for the tickets by Wednesday afternoon.
"I'm most concerned that people will think we weren't being genuine," Sigler said. "We're still selling the tickets."
The tickets are now listed on the website

As Seen on CNN

The Following is a transcript of a CNN package on tattoos and Judaism.

What if...wearing your religious beliefs on your sleeve...Or on any part of your body...was exactly what your religion didn't want you to do?

Wellesley College student Rachel Lando says she is committed to Judaism...She's visited Israel and teaches Jewish children about their heritage -- as a way of expressing her jewish identity...Rachel got a tattoo -- in Hebrew.

Rachel Lando: "Some people wear prada to say this is who i am, this is what I like. Other people get tattoos."

Tattoo studios say religious tattoos are surging in popularity.

But for a jew....getting a tattoo violates a sacred law in the Torah ,or Jewish Bible.

"You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves; I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:28

According to Jewish law, the body is a gift on loan from God.

Rabbi Lucas: "We have a responsibility to take care of it and return it when it will be called for to return it in the best shape possible. The tattoo is considered to be a destruction of that body."

Tattooing has been so forbidden that many jews believe having a tattoo prevents them from being buried in a jewish cemetery. That popular notion is, well, simply an old wives' tale.

Rabbi Lucas "I suspected that some jewish mother somewhere along the line found a very effective way of discouraging her children from doing it, but it has no basis in Jewish tradition."

Rachel's mother cried when she first saw the tattoo on her daughter's back.

Rachel Lando: "'I don't know what I'm going to do, don't you want to be buried with me?' it was terrible, it was horrible, I felt so bad."

Many in the Jewish faith see tattooing as a sign of disrespect to Holocaust Survivors...who suffered involuntary tattoos at the hands of the nazis.

Out of respect for her parents -- rachel is now getting her three tattoos removed -- a painful and expensive process. But she does believe having tattoos helped her grow spiritually.

Rachel: "Subconsciously, I tried to reconnect with my judaism and I didn't know that and instead I got this tattoo. (and it worked?) Yes, it did, I guess because I'm now reconnected and I study hebrew and all these good things." (But now you're turning your back on tattoo) Yes. Exactly. (Laughs)

The bottom line is this: Getting a tattoo is a violation of Jewish law but it does not result in banishment from a Jewish cemetery. That is an old wives' tale or bubbemeisa as we like to say.

A Kick in the Ass

Watch the lady with #59 on her back.

As Seen on CNN

This video is one of the most popular on Youtube this week.

I Knew I Liked This Guy

Knicks rookie sensation Renaldo Balkman was born in Staten Island. He also plays with hustle and toughness which makes him an anomaly on this team.

Why TON Hates 99% of the Internet

About 1 percent of Web sites indexed by Google and Microsoft are sexually explicit, according to a U.S. government-commissioned study.
1.7 percent of search results at Time Warner Inc.'s AOL, MSN and Yahoo Inc. are sexually explicit and 1.1 percent of Web sites cataloged at Google and MSN fall in that category.
About 6 percent of searches yield at least one explicit Web site, he said, and the most popular queries return a sexually explicit site nearly 40 percent of the time.
But filters blocked 87 percent to 98 percent of the explicit results from the most popular searches on the Web.
About half the sexually explicit Web sites found in the Google and MSN indexes are foreign.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Linoleum: An Animal's Worst Enemy

A deer got loose in a Target store in Iowa. Check out how he uses the automatic door, then comes face to face with that evil villain, linoleum as he tries to escape.

He Got Off Easy

Fred Weary, Houston Texans offensive lineman (6-5, 310 lbs "ding"), was Tasered in what at first seemed like a routine traffic stop.

Here's the police's side of the story.

Weary was driving southbound on the West Loop near the Southwest Freeway when he was stopped by a two-officer unit at about 1 p.m. Tuesday.
Police, who had stopped Weary after he made an improper lane change, then noticed the front license plate was missing from his Chevrolet Impala SS.
John Cannon, HPD spokesman, said Weary had drawn the officers' attention after acting suspiciously and "looking at (them) on several occasions."
When one officer asked Weary for his driver's license, Cannon said Weary became belligerent and asked why he had been stopped. He said the officer had to ask Weary for his license three times.
Cannon said Weary was "very agitated and was slow to comply," then he "starts reaching for something in the console." The officer who made the stop then asked Weary to step out of the car.
Cannon said Weary remained "verbally combative" and refused to comply when the officer asked him to put his hands on his car.
When one officer tried to place Weary in custody by placing one wrist behind the other, Weary "pushed the officer's hands away," Cannon said.
Cannon said Weary then started moving toward the officer, who pulled her Taser and fired it.
Weary was struck on the right side of his body, Cannon said.

This pales in comparison to the shooting of Chargers linebacker Steve Foley by an off-duty cop. It's clear that police get intimidated and scared by these huge guys, and these guys don't have enough sense to just comply with the officers, even if they are wrong, arguing with the cops never works.

Last Year on the Poop

I'm actually a day late with the recap of our homecoming trip to Syracuse.

We saw Stacey get an award and meet G-Mac.

We stopped by the Kliq.

We watched the Oranges get their asses kicked.

We walked around campus.

And we picked up Diesel from his first stay at Best Friends Kennel.

Dirty Player

Bruce Bowen is a dirty player. Every time a guy goes up for a jump shot he sticks his foot out so the player will land on his foot and twist his ankle. That's what he did to Stevie Francis.

Francis get hurt

In the next Knicks-Spurs game, Bowen did the same thing this time to Quentin Richardson (I think). Then Bowen and Isiah got into words after Isiah told the Knicks that the next time Bowen went up for a jump shot they should break his fuckin foot.

This all ended with NBA discipline czar Stu Jackson told Bowen to watch his step.

Bowen gets Teed up

Seattle Mariners: 2007 World Series Champs

The Seattle Mariners signed the great Rey Ordonez to a minor league contract.
Ordonez, who hasn't played in the majors since 2004, is a three-time Gold Glove-winning shortstop who played with the New York Mets from 1996-2002. A career .246 hitter, Ordonez also played one season each in Tampa Bay and with the Chicago Cubs.
In 2003, Rey started off the year by hitting 3 homers and driving in 22 in 117 at bats for the Devil Rays, while maintaining a .316 average. Had injury not struck he probably would have had his first 100 RBI season. He will thrive in Seattle and should challenge Jeter and Reyes as the best shortstops in the majors.

The best defensive shortstop ever

The NFL is Poop - Week 10

The Tribe Has Spoken
A lot of Survivors bit the dust this weekend; another crazy weekend with a lot of upsets. Atlanta, Jacksonville, Kansas City and New England all lost to inferior teams. And they were all legitimate survivor picks due to the late stage of the season. Had Baltimore and Indianapolis not won due to late field goal misses, the carnage might have been worse. The point is, this is a crazy year, and getting crazier each week.

You Think the NFC is Game?
The NFC is weak. The Bears are good but majorly flawed. I think New England, Denver, San Diego and Indianapolis could all beat the Bears. The next level in the NFC is New York and Seattle. Both teams are crippled by injuries right now but even healthy, they are inferior to the AFC powers. Three more NFC teams will have to make the playoffs, they will come from this group: Philadelphia, Dallas, Carolina, Atlanta, New Orleans with Minnesota and St. Louis still within reach (I discount the 4-5 Packers and 9ers). Those teams are not good.

Game of the Week
San Diego 49 Cincinnati 41
Offense makes it fun. 90 points and 976 yards of offense. The Bengals blew a huge lead allowing 6 touchdowns in the second half. San Diego had 7 second half possessions excluding the final kneeldown. Early in the second half, they scored two touchdowns in two minutes to cut the lead to 7. Then they scored on the first play of the fourth quarter, forced a fumble and scored another touchdown 45 seconds into the fourth. That gave them a lead they would not give up. Bengals are in huge trouble.

Game to Watch
Chicago Bears at New York Jets
This isn't really a key game for either team. The Bears are almost definitely going to earn homefield for the NFC playoffs and the Jets are expected to lose this game, but their schedule is still easy enough to put them in the playoffs. A Jets win would keep the heat on New England in the AFC East race though. As an added bonus, this will be the Bears second straight visit to the Meadowlands...and Billy and I will be there, rooting for Da Bears.

Cheerleader of the Week
Molly of the Baltimore Ravens. Molly is a 39 year old cheerleader and mother of 5. She is also the trophy wife, I mean wife, of Mayo Shattuck, the CEO of Constellation Energy Group. Mayo was paid $4m last year and exercised options valued at $43.5m. But Molly is with him because he has a good heart, a warm smile and a winning personality.
Molly's hectic life as a cheerleader who is 15-20 years older than most of her squadmates was chronicled on "Inside the NFL." She is pretty hot for nearly 40 but she might not be up on a lot of the things the younger cheerleaders take for granted, like thong underwear, Brazilians and posting slutty pictures of yourself on MySpace.

A Brief Rant About the Redskins
This season is over. I'm glad Joe Gibbs has made the move to go with Jason Campbell. In four division games this year they have scored 2 offensive touchdowns. The fact is the offense wasn't working, but it's not for lack of weapons. The defense also sucks this year because once again the defensive line is horrible. It can't stop the run and it can't rush the passer. The linebackers are ok and the secondary is really good when healthy. Although Sean Taylor did get burned on the long touchdown to Dante Stallworth. The other two Eagles touchdowns were not the defenses fault; the fumble to Buckhalter and an INT return.

If the Super Bowl Were Played Today
Indianapolis 17 Chicago 13
I have a feeling these two teams are going to occupy these two spots for the rest of the season. And until Chicago shows me something I'll still have to pick the Colts to beat them. Even though I think they'll choke when we get there for real.

Big Game Preview

The college football world turns its eyes to Columbus, Ohio this weekend for one of the biggest regular season games in history. Not only is this clash of the titans between the two best teams in the country, it will give the winner a HUGE leg up in the race for the national title (they'll probably face a different, but worse team in the BCS Title Game) but even prior to this Ohio State-Michigan is the most bitter rivalry in college football, and possibly all of sports. To help understand better I asked two Poopheads with a vested interest in this matchup to give their perspectives.

First we get the view from Ann Arbor from Focks, a proud Michigan graduate:

"November 22, 1997...The Best Day In My Life...Michigan v. ohio state....Charles Woodson v. David Boston.

The rivalry between my Michigan Wolverines and the ohio state buckeyes (note: i will never use capital letters for that school) is the most intense rivalry in the country. To date, Michigan leads the overall series 57-39-6, which in my eyes is total domination. The hatred that I feel toward this subpar university is like no other. I hate the color red, I hate horseshoes and I hate people named Woody, Jim and Troy.
As a student from 1996-2000, I received a top 25 education from this Ann Arbor paradise. On November 22, my life entered a maize and blue heaven. On this day, Michigan muscled ohio shit 20-14 and Heisman Trophy Winner Charles Woodson beat up the obnoxious and probably steroid-injected David Boston.

Charles Woodson roughs up David Boston

On this day, I rushed the field (normally outlawed at the Big House) and felt the perfectly manicured grass as I ran among thousands of Wolverines with a rose in my mouth.

The Big House, if you look closely you can see the perfectly manicured grass

The number '1' is something all Michigan Wolverines expect; anything less is a failure. We have the largest stadium in the country. We have the most wins and highest winning percentage in the history of college football. We also have the best uniform (voted #1 by espn, msnbc, etc.) Therefore, this saturday at 3:30pm, the rest of the world will see the Wolverines become #1 once again.

The overrated Troy Smith will face the most dominant defense in the country. Antonio Pittman will cry when he gets gang-tackled by future NFLers Lamar Woodley, Alan Branch and David Harris. Ginn Jr will get harassed by future first-round pick Leon Hall. I hope ohio shit has been practicing on nintendo because Super Mario Manningham is going to exploit the osu secondary with his big-play potential. Of course, Henne and Hart will continue their superb play and pick apart the opponent.
The country is about to find out why Michigan is the best college football team in the country. Sorry ohio state, but once again, we will knock you from your fraudulent pre-season ranking.

Hail to the victors!

PS - Poor Maurice Clarett...his stay in prison hopefully won't be too long as he will always be the face of the osu program."

On the other side of the rivalry we have Pizza Parlor Derek. He went to Syracuse but visited The Ohio State University several times because his brother, Pizza Parlor Daren went there and now resides in Columbus. Read about his latest trip at the Pizza Parlor. PPD offers his view from the Columbus perspective:
"Two insurance companies in Columbus use similar strategies to send their message to prospective clients.

A billboard on High Street for State Farm urges Ohioans to call State Farm “In Case you Hit a Wolverine”.

Columbus-based Nationwide Insurance has billboards throughout Columbus with the names of the Buckeyes’ 2006 opponents crossed out in red each week under their national slogan “Life Comes at You Fast”.

T-Shirts with the words “Fuck Michigan” and “Ann Arbor is a Whore” which have been sold by private vendors at games for years are selling faster than they can be stocked this year.

A popular shirt in Columbus
Ohio State fans show their feelings about Michigan

The best rivalries are those in which a fanbase’s hatred of their teams rival is an equal part of their identity as their love of their own team. While Boston Red Sox fans may beg to differ, Ohioans hatred for “that school up North” might be unparalleled anywhere in the country, in any sport.

PPD makes the Big O

Although when I visited there two weeks ago, I noticed something unusual. Tailgaters in Columbus watching the Michigan-Northwestern game (a surprisingly defensive and close one), quietly rooting for Michigan. You see, in a year where many national football powerhouses are rebuilding and the best seasons are coming from the seemingly inferior Big East, Buckeye fans feel they follow the only great team in college football this year. Beating Michigan is almost a foregone conclusion and one Buckeye fans are relishing, as we get closer and closer to game day. The better the Wolverines record and ranking, the sweeter the victory will be. I don’t think any resident of Columbus has given serious thought to the possibility of Ohio State losing this game.

And let’s hope they don’t, or the insurance companies in Columbus may have more business than they can handle."

And here's my take:
I've visted Columbus two times, and hope to go back at least once in 2007. I loved the campus and the atmosphere both times. So I say "Go Bucks!"

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

TallSkott's Two Cents

TallSkott "jay-learyed" me. When I got married he wrote the check for an undisclosed amount. This amount included 22 cents. So when he got married I "Jay-learyed" him, giving him the same amount, with 23 cents. Yesterday I received a "thank you" card in the mail...with two pennies taped inside. Damn you, TallSkott.

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's About Time

Jason Campbell will make his NFL debut Sunday for the Washington Redskins, replacing quarterback Mark Brunell for a 3-6 team apparently heading nowhere and in need of a plan for the future.

Coach Joe Gibbs announced Monday that Campbell, who has been an inactive third quarterback for all 25 games of his pro career, will start against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

"We're going to give Jason his opportunity and see if we can be more productive and see if we can get some more answers," Gibbs said.

User Comments

As all loyal Poopheads know, reading your comments is my favorite part of this blog. Two interesting comments came my way this week.

The first commended me for the Farrell Kaye post. It came from a Poophead claiming to be "Lauren (aka Scott with Hair). No definiteive word on authenticity yet.

Another came from a Jew for Jesus. It updated a story I did a while back about Jackie Mason suing the Jews for Jesus. Chad says the Jews for Jesus won the lawsuit, and he linked us to the J4J homepage.

Why Does Bill Hate This Show?

Las Vegas is a good show. I don't care what anyone says. I normally don't like action shows but this one is well done. Coach Winters (James Caan) is the tough casino boss who breaks heads with the help of Danny (the guy banging Fergie) and Mike Cannon.
Usually the storylines are a little out there but at the beginning they were more general casino scams. But in general they aren't ridiculous, other than Ed Deline's CIA angle.
The show is also very funny. In the last episode there were three hysterical moments:
1) A foul-mouthed Korean manicurist complained that her live-in boyfriend "likes to hide salami all the time."
2) Sam was being hit on a by a douchebag at a bar when the enforcer she was traveling with came in to save her by saying "You're with Me, Leather."
3) Ed tried to help a weak man control his gold-digging wife by teaching him about "that Mexican dog trainer" who teaches you how to become the pack leader.

The show also has hot chicks.
First there's Molly Sims, who was actually a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, before taking up acting. She plays Ed's slutty daughter who says very sexy things and likes to play naughty role playing games with Danny.

Then there's the hardass casino host Sam Marquez played by Vanessa Marcil. She has an on and off sexual relationship with Woody (Jerry O'Connell from Crossing Jordan).

And finally there is Nikki Cox whose gigantic breasts are on display like cantaloupes at a fruit stand. She also seems to have gotten lip implants over the summer which makes her look like she just got a bee sting.


The Mets and Citigroup have agreed on a 20-year sponsorship deal for the team's new ballpark that is worth more than an average of 20 (M) million dollars a year, the most expensive naming rights deal ever. They have the option to extend it to 35 years or until 2054 (since it starts in 2009).
The deal will be formally announced today at the groundbreaking ceremony.


This will end the great run of Shea Stadium which was named for William Shea, a lawyer who helped bring National League baseball back to New York by threatening to form a competing baseball league.
According to legend, Shea attended a game at his namesake park in 1964, and he heard one fan ask another "Who is Shea?"
The reply was "some old ballplayer who died in the war."
This news also ends hopes that Ralph Lauren would pony (pun intended) up and call the place the Polo Grounds.

This is Progress?

Early this season the Syracuse Oranges jumped out to a 3-2 record and everyone talked about the huge strides the program made in Greg Robinson's second season after a 1-10 last year.

why is he squinting?

Turns out they still suck. They scored more than 30 points in non-conference wins over Illinois, Miami (Ohio) and Wyoming, but haven't scored more than 17 in any other game. Unless SU beats UConn or a gets a miracle against Rutgers, they will end the season with a 14-game Big East losing streak.
I've watched the last two games (Cincinnati & South Florida) or listened on the radio, and I'm very underwhelmed. The offense sucks. How does a team that's +14 on the season in turnovers still manage to be 3-7? They can't move the ball.
At the start of the second half, USF drove to the 1 yard line, and fumbled. SU got 2 first downs, gained 25 yards, but had to punt.
They picked off USF on the next possession, but followed that up with a 3 and out in which they lost 8 yards.
Once again USF turned it over, but SU could manage only 1 first down, and 11 total yards.
3 turnovers, 28 yards, no points.

Best 3-7 team in the nation

More galling than all of that was the insistence by homer radio announcer, former Coach Dick McPherson, that they could get right back in the game. Coach Mac kept saying "the encouraging thing is that we're not making mistakes." I've listened to him call at least 4 games this season and he never once said Syracuse or the Oranges. Only we and us.
He also never mentioned the discouraging part; that we're 3-6 and can't make a first down.

i believe the red headed stepchildren are our future

Then the other announcer suggested bringing in the backup QB Andy Robinson, since Perry Patterson only has two games left. Coach Mac went nuts saying it wouldn't be fair to the guys who are "busting their bazookas," because they should try to win the game. I guess he ignored the 27-10 score, and the horrible play of Patterson. The amateurish radio crew forgot to cut their mikes during the commercial so you could hear Coach Mac excoriating the other guy for his suggestion.
Then on the next drive, Robinson came in...and threw an interception. On his next possession, he fumbled. This could be the start of something big.