Friday, January 16, 2009

I Will Never Eat At This Restaurant

Mrs. Poop and I noticed this new restaurant in Ridgewood that looks pretty nice and decided we might like to eat there sometime. But when I drove by and noticed this sign, I declared I would never set foot in this place:

Smith Brother's? What a disgraceful lack of understanding of how to use the possessive form of a word. Obviously, all Poopheads know this sign should say Smith Brothers' Chop House, because it is owned by more than one Smith Brother.
Smith Brother's would only be correct if it was one of the Smith Brothers going out on his own. But in that case it would just be Smith's Chop House.


Anonymous said...

Reason #43,769 why I'm glad that you and I became friends after Scat's wedding. You're the only friend I have that cares as much about grammar as I do.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, there IS only one Smith Brother!