Papa Poop (aka Grandpa Shell) was able to get two tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld in Atlantic City Saturday night so we breezed down for a quick trip.
By the time we got there and picked up our tickets it was about 4pm. The show started at 7:30 so we had about 3 hours to play, and since I didn’t want to burn through my money too quickly I played poker instead of craps.
I sat down at a 1-2 no limit table and about the third hand I played I got A-Q and called $15 preflop. The flop brought an ace and two rags. The guy in early position went all for $45. So his $45 plus the $60 already in (the two blinds called) gave me the pot odds to call. Of course he had ace-king and I was already down $60.
Later I got another A-Q raised to $10, bet $15 on a nothing flop, then folded on the turn to a bet of $25.
My other big hand was an A-K suited. The flop came the Kh-5c-Jc. I bet $20 and was called. The turn was the 5 of diamonds. I bet $25 and got raised to $100. I folded.
I also folded another big hand. I guy in early position raised to $25. He got called before it got to me. I had pocket 10s. I laid them down. Then the flop came A-K-2. The early raiser bet $75, so I’m pretty sure I made the right move.
At this point I was down to almost nothing. Then I went on a minirun but every time I bet everyone folded. I raised to $10 with hands like A-7, A-J, K-10 and took them all down preflop. I had pocket 7s a couple times, also raised to $10. Was called then forced to fold on the flop.
My last hand was my undoing. I limped from the small blind (only the button was in) with A-7 of hearts. The flop was J-7-4. I bet $20 and they both called. A 6 hit the turn and we all checked. An 8 hit the river and it brought three diamonds. The button checked so I bet $50 thinking I was the only one who showed any aggression, so maybe I could represent the flush, or jacks but it turns out they both made straights. The guy on my right had 5-3 and was furious that the other guy made his straight to chop on the river. I don’t know why he hung around with an inside straight draw on the flop for $20 more.
That was my last hand, I left before I could lose anymore. I don’t think I played poorly, but as usual I got no big hands, I never connected solidly with a flop and nothing I tried worked because I was always doing it at the wrong time.
Thankfully the night only went up from there.
Seinfeld was hysterical. I had seen bits of his material (the iPhone, “in Bed”) before on late night shows, but they were much better in person. He also did a brief sketch on TV news (breaking news, everything is breaking news) which I thoroughly enjoyed. None of it really stands out in my mind right now but the whole thing (about an hour maybe) was hysterical, basically the whole room was laughing the entire time. I had never seen him live before and it was a real treat, he worked the room really well saying to a couple who came in about 15 minutes after he started (“the show’s about to start”), his mannerisms, his delivery, it was all perfect.
Papa Poop treated me to a nice dinner at Morton’s (I had the scallops wrapped in bacon) and we split a baked potato the size of a football. A nice meal to wrap up a great trip.