That is a picture of a shirtless Anthony Weiner (though you can't see his face completely you can tell it's him, and confirm with a close examanation of the items behind him, including a picture of his wife) sent to a 26-year-old single mother in Texas, Megan Broussard.
In return Broussard sent him this:

And when Broussard decided for whatever reason she wanted to come out about her online relationship with Weiner she released other pictures to the press, including eventually ABC News. Here's one Weiner sent along with the caption "me and the pussys."

And that's what forced Weiner to finally come out and admit everything. He says he had online relationships with 6 women but never met them in person (I believe him, but after all these lies I couldn't blame someone who didn't). He says most of the relationships started before he was married, but not the one with Broussard.

On April 20th he posted a video of a speech on his Facebook page. She commented "hottttt" and he friended her on Facebook immediately. They started chatting and exchanging sexual messages. She didn't believe it was him so she asked him to write "me" on a piece of paper and take a picture with it.

So far we know of two women sexting with the Congressman. Maybe we'll hear from the other 4 maybe we won't. If we do, I hope they are hotter than these two so far.
But let me repeat this so I am clear. I really don't care what the hell he does on his free time. If he had come out and said right away that he was sending these pictures and having these conversations I would be defending him. I would say that's between him and his wife and nobody else. But it's the lying that always makes it 10 times worse. I don't care if he resigns or not. But I can understand the calls for his head, because of the lying.
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