Monday, January 28, 2013

Chris Brown Should Be Locked Up

Chris Brown obviously hasn't learned any kind of lesson from the ass-kicking he gave Rihanna. His latest violent incident victimized someone who can actually sing, Poop favorite, Frank Ocean.
Details are sketchy at this point but it seems they argued over a parking space at a recording studio in Los Angeles. Entourages got involved and Brown reportedly punched Ocean in the face.
Brown didn't stick around long enough for the cops to arrive, which is why Ocean is being reported as the victim.
Brown's entourage says Ocean started it by talking shit and blocking in Brown's car. They also probably think Rihanna was asking for it.
But I actually hope it did happen that way. I would hate to see Brown continuing to be have in an aggressive and violent manner.
And I certainly hope he didn't hurl and homophobic slurs at Ocean, though I wouldn't be surprised.


jleary said...

Looks like Frank Ocean "didn't think so far--ahead"....gotta know you're messing with a pyscho douche like Chris Brown. He loves to fight women, gay guys, and canadian tween actors/turned rappers

Paul said...

Very clever references to my favorite song and my favorite rapper.
And I agree, it's best to just ignore Chris Brown.