Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Hero

For years I have complained about the douches that sit behind home plate at baseball game and flinch every time a ball is fouled back, even though there is a screen in front of them. Finally, we have found a man who was able to control his urges and sit perfectly still as a batted ball flew in his direction.

Watch the guy in the black shirt above the EI in Budweiser:

Now go back and watch all the people around him, they scatter, but our hero sits still, unflinching in the face of danger.


RZR said...

That guy must've been sleeping with his eyes open. It's abnormal to have no reaction at all.

Mrs. Poop said...

I think he's blind

Paul said...

He is not blind and he doesn't have lagophthalmos. He's just sat there long enough to know that a ball can't hit him. So he's controlling his instinct to flinch.