Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Maybe So, But Getting a Cat is Dumb

People with cats are more likely to have college degrees than those with dogs, according to a scientific survey of pet ownership.
Researchers at the University of Bristol say that the superior intelligence of cat owners is unlikely to be caused by their exposure to the famously cunning and selfish pets.
Rather, more educated people tend to work longer hours and choose a pet to fit their lifestyles. Unlike dogs, cats require no walking and can manage with little human company.

Exactly, people get cats because they have no time to take care of a real pet. Also they are emotionally detached people who choose love only on their own terms. Getting a dog is a much bigger time commitment, on requiring sacrifices in exchange for real, unconditional love. Cat owners want someone to vent to about the bitchy girl at work, and then ignore the rest of the day.

The study, published in the Veterinary Record journal, also found that cat owners were more likely to be older and female. You didn't need to interview thousands of British people to find that out.


RZR said...

Mister Poop --- while I agree that people may get cats due to the fact that they're low maintenance pets, I take issue with your assessment of cat owners' emotional detachment.

I can't speak on behalf of all cat owners, but in speaking for myself I can assure you that I am NOT detached from my emotions.

I love my cats as much as you love Diesel and probably as much as many people love their children.

I don't vent to my cats nor do I ignore them for most of my day.

My cats are incredibly friendly and loving. In fact, many people who get the privelege to meet them remark on how much they are like dogs.

But I think that you already know all this and may have put this story up to goad me. Just as you put up pictures of Monique's hairy hairy legs.

Shame on you, Poop.

The Concierge said...

Cats is Good eatin'! Just ask juice.