Lane was in a cab with three other people when their cab got stopped behind a cop.
One of the men with Lane yelled "I don't care if you're a cop, drive faster!"
The cops then got out of their car to question the man at which point Lane started snapping pictures right in the cops' faces. A female cop told her to step back and that is when Lane said "I don't care that you're a cop - dyke bitch!" and punched the cop in the face.
Lane's lawyer says she didn't think they were cops and that she never hit anyone.
We'll see.
Lane was reportedly in the cab with her new boyfriend, Chris Booker who hosts a radio show in Philly.
This comes after a short romance with New York TV News Anchor (CBS 2) Chris Wragge.
Wragge is still married, but separated from Swedish sexpot Victoria Silvstedt.
And of course Lane is most famous for sending pictures of herself in a bikini to Rich Eisen.

Interesting ankle tattoo... I guess no skirts when she doing wide studio shots?
I would love to see those bikini pics... Eisen should leak them.
Sorry 'bout the double comment.
Alycia was always hot and always utterly worthless. Good to see she's continuing the proud tradition of stupidity that I've come to expect from South Florida news alumni.
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